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Introduction Sex addiction or hypersexual disorder is characterized by a compulsive need for instant gratification of sexual urges ( Carnes, 2001 ). Several diagnostic criteria have been proposed for sexual addiction but have

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Introduction Although sex addiction was not accepted for inclusion in the latest (fifth) edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ), excessive non

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Introduction Sex addiction, otherwise known as compulsive sexual behavior, is characterized by extensive sexual behavior and unsuccessful efforts to control excessive sexual behavior. It is a pathological behavior that has

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essential to understand and develop provisions of treatment for such disorders ( Dhuffar & Griffiths 2015a ; Griffiths & Dhuffar, 2014 ). One (arguably controversial) behavioral addiction that has received increasing research interest is sex addiction (SA

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Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Martina Goslar
Max Leibetseder
Hannah M. Muench
Stefan G. Hofmann
, and
Anton-Rupert Laireiter

; Potenza, Sofuoglu, Carroll, & Rounsaville, 2011 ). In line with this consideration, some progress in the examination of neurobiological commonalities with SUDs has been achieved more recently within the domains of sex addiction (SA) and compulsive

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, & Henrikson, 2019 ; Wang, Yao, Zhou, Liu, & Lv, 2017 ). Only a few studies examined the co-occurrence of other putative behavioral addictions such as sex addiction, compulsive buying and food addiction (despite some studies suggested at least an association

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have summarized some of the main findings that have been discussed in the review papers. We have utilized PubMed Central® search engine using the terms: “hypersexuality,” “excessive sex,” “sexual addiction,” “sex addiction,” “addiction to sex

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Promoting educational, classification, treatment, and policy initiatives

Commentary on: Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder in the ICD-11 (Kraus et al., 2018)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Mateusz Gola
Marc N. Potenza

clinical observations indicate that for some individuals, these new forms of sexual behaviors have become problematic and prompted treatment seeking ( Gola, Lewczuk, & Skorko, 2016 ). Given such cases, terms such as “sex addiction” exist in the mass media

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8 8 20 . M.D. Griffiths 2012 Internet sex addiction: A review of empirical research Addiction

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. , Romaguera , A. , Menchón , J. M. , Vallès , V. & Jiménez-Murcia , S. ( 2015 ). Sex addiction and gambling disorder: Similarities and differences

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