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political economy canonized by the system, as can be read in the early official textbooks, proclaimed the superiority of socialism, “socialized” state ownership and central planning over capitalism and “market anarchy” ( Gedeon 2018 ). Kornai's pioneering

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Sustainable Energy Reviews , 173 ( March ): 113075 . . Bisin , A. – Verdier , T. ( 2010 ): The Economics of Cultural Transmission and Socialization . In: Ben-habib , J. – Bisin , A. – Jackson , M

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The main tenet of the paper concentrates on the value reductionism promoted by the narrow-minded economic extremism flourishing in education. For economic extremism, the enjoyment of pupils and students - as allegedly the chief consumer value in education - stands for a large set of other values, which are necessary for the would be adults as successful labour force, and healthy and socialised people. However, pupils and students cannot be regarded as only consumers at the schools, colleges and universities. At the end of the presentation, the author gives a list of values and their short definitions so as to encourage a mode of teaching which is really beneficial - although not always so easy and enjoyable - for pupils and students.

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Technological innovations are inclining the world of business to restructure actual business processes at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. These circumstances create knowledge-intensive organizational, collective and personal learning environments in which ICT tools play a critical role. This paper investigates knowledge creation patterns inherent in the supply chain of companies that operate in a networked environment in the Székesfehérvár region of Hungary. ICT solutions applied in knowledge creation and collaboration with suppliers and customers in the supply chain were studied in this research. One of the main contributions of the paper is the study of knowledge creation patterns in three dimensions: the Socialization – Externalization – Combination – Internalization (SECI) framework, supply chain processes and ICT solutions, which is a unique approach compared with the frameworks from the relevant literature.

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The article reveals the logical and historical grounds of Grzegorz W. Kolodko’s approach to the interpretation of the phenomenon of China building socialism with Chinese characteristics and developing capitalist relations. Reality goes beyond the dilemma of “socialism or capitalism” and represents something third, having an independent meaning. It is shown that the starting point for the emergence of society and man is a jointly-divided labour whose two sides (jointness and separation) while historically evolving, are embodied on the side of separation in the market economy and capitalism, and on the side of jointness in the state and socialism. On this basis, there arises a confrontation between two opposing systems: capitalism and socialism. The subsequent historical progress turns capitalisation and socialisation into two complementary processes of the development of society, which are no longer adequate to describe in terms of the two systems. A certain third entity emerges. This proves that “Tertium Datur” by Grzegorz W. Kolodko has not only practical importance, but also deep logical and historical grounds.

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Society and Economy
Ágnes Hofmeister Tóth
Léna Simányi

The nature and structure of values is a topic of continuous interest in marketing. Contemporary marketers recognised that values are criteria for sorting out the options and for implementing a certain mode of behaviour rather than others. Values are learned during the purely human process of socialisation, along with cultural classifications of reality and cultural code of behaviour.  According to Rokeach (1973) some values are relatively permanent, but others undergo continuous change. In Hungary, the transformation from the socialist system to market economy has opened the country to the West and triggered major changes: political and consumer freedom, privatisation and an increased level of information. The citizens of Hungary were to cope with the new economic system, adopt the norms and the logic of market economy, but they were, however, subject to the legacy of the old system and to the trauma of its displacement. The values in transition are of particular interest to marketing professionals because they often create or change the size of market segments for products or cause changes through advertising, product range or service offering. The objectives of this paper is first to give an overview of the literature on values research and their measurement, with special attention given to theories of values in transition, second to demonstrate the main results of our longitudinal research into changing values, and finally to present our attempt to develop a new instrument for monitoring and tracking the changes in consumer values, which, in turn, affect consumer attitudes and behaviour.

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With Taiwan ROC’s economic growth, the importance of service industries has gradually increased. Tourism services, as a comprehensive undertaking with multiple objectives, contribute greatly to the foreign exchange earnings of the country. Specifically, international hotels, which provide accommodation, catering, shopping, socializing, committee rooms and recreation, play a crucial role in the tourism industry. The current study adopted the Delphi method and offered an anonymous channel for conveying opinions. After repetitive consultations, summarizations and revisions, the analytic network process (ANP) principles for the study were finally constructed. The subjects of the study were clients of international tourist hotels in the Taipei area. In total, 250 questionnaires were distributed, and 176 valid questionnaires were collected, at a questionnaire response rate of 70%. As the results demonstrated, the most significant dimension was “Responsiveness” (weight = 0.238): which accounted for 23.8% of the overall weights. Other dimensions were also important: “Assurance” (weight = 0.217), “Reliability” (weight = 0.205), “Empathy” (weight = 0. 183), and “Tangibles” (weight = 0.157). The research results showed that “Responsiveness” was of the greatest importance for service quality in international tourist hotels. The data compiled from the overall weights of evaluation indicators of the service quality for the international hotels showed that, among the 16 evaluation indicators, the top five indexes were ranked, based on importance, as follows: service willingness, expertise, responsiveness, reliability, and cordiality.

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References Beutler , I. – Dickson , L. ( 2008 ): Consumer Economic Socialization . In: Xiao , J. J. (ed.): Handbook of Consumer Finance Research . New York

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, laundry, ironing, (7) gardening and pet care, (8) home maintenance and construction, (9) shopping and preparing documentation, (10) child care, (11) caring for others, (12) socialising (i.e. socialising with family, visiting and receiving visits

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Carlson, L. - Grossbart, S. - Stuenkel, K. J. (1992): The Role of Parental Socialization Types on Different Family Communication Patterns Regarding Consumption. Journal of Consumer Psychology 1(1): 31

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