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explanatory model of college student dropout syndrome . American Educational Research Journal, 22 ( 1 ), 35 – 64 . doi: 10.3102/00028312022001035 Bean , J

Open access
Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation
Veronika Bocsi
Tímea Ceglédi
Zsófia Kocsis
Karolina Eszter Kovács
Klára Kovács
Anetta Müller
Katalin Pallay
Barbara Éva Szabó
Fruzsina Szigeti
, and
Dorina Anna Tóth

education is lower in Hungary, especially regarding PhD studies ( OECD, 2015 ), which may be caused by the failure to meet the degree requirements and by student dropout. Regarding higher educational studentsdropout ratio, no precise data are

Open access

Barefoot , B. O. ( 2004 ). Higher education’s revolving door: Confronting the problem of student dropout in US colleges and universities . Open Learning, 19 ( 1 ), 9 – 18 . doi: 10

Open access

considered to be a dropout from the previous institution ( Pusztai, 2017 ). Since 1970s, several studies have dealt with the issue of student dropouts, trying to identify its features and explanatory factors, using various theoretical models to describe the

Open access

Oktatási reform hatékonyságának vizsgálata – Tantárgyak nehézségi elemzése IRT-modell segítségével programtervező informatikus hallgatók körében

The effectiveness of education reform – Applying the Rasch model to analyse computer science students' dropout

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Rita Takács
Judit T. Kárász
Szabolcs Takács
Zoltán Horváth
, and
Attila Oláh

detection of students at risk—predicting student dropouts using administrative student data from German universities and machine learning methods . Journal of Educational Data Mining , 11 ( 3 ), 1 – 41 . https

Open access

Faktorok, magyarázatok a sikeres és sikertelen felsőoktatási tanulmányok hátterében •

A pszichológiai tényezők szerepe a lemorzsolódásban

Factors and Explanations of Successful and Unsuccessful Academic Performance in Higher Education

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Judit Kőrössy
Balázs Jagodics
Tamás Martos
, and
Éva Szabó

). Relevance of mental health issues in university student dropouts . Occupational Medicine , 63 , 410 – 414 . Terenzini , P. T ., & Pascarella , E. T . ( 1980 ). Toward a validation of Tinto’s model of college student attrition: a

Open access