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highlighted a micro-deletion non-indexed in databases, the pathogenicity of which is uncertain. At the same time, neuropsychological evaluation excluded intellectual disability and showed difficulties in an advanced theory of mind task (the Reading the Mind in
Evési szokások magyar serdülők körében
Eating attitudes among Hungarian adolescents
. Other Press, New York, 2002. 21 Gál Z, Egyed K, Pászthy B, et al. Impaired theory of mind in anorexia nervosa. [Tudatelméleti deficit anorexia
Machiavellianism and self-efficacy in Greek primary school children. Br. J. Educ. Psychol., 2004, 74 (2), 297–309. 11 McIlwain, D.: Bypassing empathy: A Machiavellian theory of mind
but cannot explain the experience in totality. This chapter is of particular significance for the manner in which it problematises theory of mind, the nature of human consciousness, and the role of experience as the humanity's major means for
A Gyermeki Viselkedés Kérdőív legrövidebb változatának (CBQ VS) magyar adaptációja
Hungarian version of the Children's Behavior Questionnaire very short form (CBQ VS)
.J. ( 2001 ). Individual differences in inhibitory control and children's theory of mind . Child Development , 72 , 1032 – 1053 . D. Molnár , É. ( 2017 ). Erőfeszítés alapú
Az orvosi pszichológia fejlődése hazánkban: szemléleti keretek, határterületek és alkalmazások
The medical psychology in Hungary: way of thinking, frame of references and applications
–670. 15 Fodor JA. A theory of the child’s theory of mind. Cognition 1994; 44: 283–296. 16 Guastella AJ, Mitchell PB, Dadds MR. Oxytocin increases gaze
Oldershaw, A., Hambrook, D., Tchanturia, K., et al.: Emotional theory of mind and emotional awareness in recovered anorexia nervosa patients. Psychosom. Med., 2010, 72 , 73–79. Tchanturia K
, Dehelean L, Romosan RS, et al. Affective theory of mind in Parkinson’s disease: the effect of cognitive performance. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2019; 15: 2521–2535. 23
associated with symptom severity ( Lemenager et al., 2014 , 2016 ). Correspondingly, multiple areas in the frontoparietal network, such as IPL (including the angular gyrus) and prefrontal cortex, were found to be involved in theory of mind and self
notable result. The TPJ is one of the core brain regions related to the theory of mind (ToM) process, which enables individuals to represent the internal thoughts, beliefs and desires of others and differentiate them from one's own ( Saxe & Kanwisher, 2003