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. J. Wallace E. Sadalla 1966 Behavioral consequences of transgression: I. The effects of social recognition Journal of

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A bocsánatkérés és a jóvátétel hatása a megbocsátásra közeli és távoli kapcsolatokban

The impact of apology and compensation on forgiving in close and distant relationships

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Gábor Papp
Judit Kovács

, 31 ( 6 ), 843 – 848 . D esmet , P. T. , DE CREMER , D. , & V an D ijk , E. ( 2010 ). On the psychology of financial compensations to restore fairness transgressions: When

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Are costly apologies universally perceived as being sincere?

A test of the costly apology-perceived sincerity relationship in seven countries

Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
Yohsuke Ohtsubo
Esuka Watanabe
Jiyoon Kim
John T. Kulas
Hamdi Muluk
Gabriela Nazar
Feixue Wang
, and
Jingyu Zhang

D. De Cremer E. Van Dijk 2010 On the psychology of financial compensation to restore fairness transgression: When intentions determine value

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Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Gábor Papp
Judit Kovács
József Pántya
, and
Nóra Kiss

’Connor, L. E, Parrott, L. , & Wade, N. G. (2001). Dispositional Forgivingness: Development and Construct Validity of the Transgression Narrative Test of Forgivingness (TNTF). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27 (10), 1277

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. They are also queer in the way that the term was understood when the imagery from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was given a psychedelic reading and adopted into psychedelic culture; as countercultural, transgressive, and deviant. They are queer in

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. Núñez , M. and Harris , P. ( 1998 ): Young children's reasoning about prescriptive rules: Spotting transgressions through the Selection Task . Xvth Biennial ISSBD Meeting s, Berne, Switzerland, July

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Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
Willem E. Frankenhuis
Ron Dotsch
Johan C. Karremans
, and
Daniël H. J. Wigboldus

evolutionary perspective on anger and men's violent responses to transgression . In: M. Potegal , G. Stemmler & C. Spielberger (eds): Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes

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Elkövetőből áldozat – a csoportközi konfliktusok narratív konstrukciójának percepciója

From Perpetrator to Victim – The Perception Of Intergroup Conflicts’ Narrative Construction

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Dániel Ferenc Jenei
István Csertő
, and
Orsolya Vincze

– 135 . Wohl , M. J ., & Branscombe , N. R . ( 2008 ). Remembering Historical Victimization: Collective Guilt for Current Ingroup Transgressions . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 96 ( 6 ), 988 – 1006 . Wojciszke , B ., & Abele

Open access

Sizing up Helen

Nonviolent physical risk-taking enhances the envisioned bodily formidability of women

Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
Daniel Fessler
C. Holbrook
L. Tiokhin
, and
J. Snyder

evolutionary perspective on anger and men’s violent responses to transgression. In: M. Potegal, G. Stemmler and C. D. Spielberger (eds): Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes . New York: Springer, pp

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's transgressions Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 24 2 207 213 . M. Eissa

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