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Solidarity – An aim of education?

Reflections on a vital topic of education for sustainable development (ESD) from the perspective of a responsive pedagogy

Hungarian Educational Research Journal
Alexander Maier

Berlin, following Heila Lotz-Sisitka, states: “These relationships and structures should be scrutinised and changed as part of transformative learning processes. So-called ‘transgressive learning’ is also discussed here, which disrupts and permanently

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the unavailable Other is also attributed to every (fellow) human being. It is impossible to want to recognise the other person completely, the attempt is transgressive and a sin; it is also a sin to want to recognise oneself completely. Nobody is able

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.’ Moreover, ‘separate and concurrent opinion cannot transgress the point of view of the judge so as to become a direct criticism of the decision of the Constitutional Court and it cannot become a party examination or an open criticism to the decision of the

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transgressors of the law (παρανομοῦμεν). They are to hearken to the laws, ‘especially those regarding the protection of the injured, whether they are laid down in writing, or being unwritten, yet cannot be broken without acknowledged disgrace’ (καὶ μάλιστα αὐτῶν

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allows it to check that the European institutions do not transgress the boundaries of their competences as conferred by the treaties. It reserves the right to declare inapplicable in Germany a legal act of the EU that exceeds its competences. 35 For the

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Has constitutional pluralism ever been tried out? •

On the comparative use of Article 4(2) TEU by some constitutional courts

Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies
François-Xavier Millet

and ‘… [i]t must be possible within the German jurisdiction to assert the responsibility for integration if obvious transgressions of the boundaries occur when the European Union claims competences … and to preserve the inviolable core content of the

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the petitioner’s motion related to transgressing the scope of competences, the Constitutional Court notes that when the ultra vires nature of an EU law is present, - on the basis of Article 6 of the Protocol that forms an integral part of the

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. Szabó also pointed out that there are certain limits to relatively free comparison in the wider sense. In his view, there was one limit in particular that should never be transgressed: the limit of ideological consistency. 60 The Hungarian scholar

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implicated state is bound to facilitate investigation into the alleged human rights transgressions attributed to it. In other words, is the state obligated to fully comply, or does it have the option to resist a comprehensive investigation, or is it obligated

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Corruption is linked with the issue of clientelism. This establishes a wide understanding of that phenomenon. This wide context and understanding of corruption is simplified by the recognition of the patron-client system, accompanying corruption or even identified with it. Clientelism may be of personal or mass character, and consists of mutual provision of services, without the need to lay out funds for achieving common goals. Socio-economic transformation as profound and thorough reform of the system and institutions promotes corruption practices (the process of transfer of resources from public to private sector progressed swiftly). Clientelism is linked with the phenomenon of crony capitalism, which is treated as synonymous to corruption or favoring corruption. Corruption provides a means for maintaining and the development of client networks. Patron-client relations are of secondary nature in some societies; in other societies they substantially influence the shape of the political and economic system, as well as social structure. Such relations may transgress the borders between classes, professional groups, organizations, family relations. Where liberal-democratic parliamentarism coincides with the absence of an educated civil society, the civil service of the state, the domination of political parties and pressure groups is present, which favor clientelistic corruption, influencing the development of private sector and formation of capital. Political parties distribute and decide upon thousands of positions. They organize their own client communities. Still, typical clientelistic societies are rather not common. If they were, in the long run they would cause loss of the competitive edge of the economy on the global market. The dynamics of economy indicates that the factors which paralyze economic development have not dominated the economic system in Poland as yet, and that system maintains its autonomy. This does not imply, however, the activation of long-term growth factors and the elimination of what is called lost opportunity costs in the economy.

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