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Salinity reduces plant growth and yield by affecting morphological and physiological processes. To alleviate the harmful effects of salt stress various approaches involving plant hormones are used. In this study several parameters involving the measurement of cell membrane injury were used to observe whether stress tolerance could be enhanced in Chinese cabbage (B. oleracea capitata L. Chinensis group) by soaking the seeds for 10 h in distilled water (control), or in 100, 150 or 200 mg l−1 gibberellic acid (GA3). The NaCl concentrations were 0 (control), 50, 100 and 150 mM. Seed treated with GA3 showed increased water uptake and decreased electrolyte leakage as compared to that of distilled water-primed seeds even 24 h after soaking under control conditions. Seed priming with GA3 increased the final germination and the germination rate (1/t50, where t50 is the time to 50% germination) under salt stress conditions. Seed priming also alleviated the harmful effect of salt stress on cabbage in terms of fresh and dry weights. Leaf area was higher in plants raised from seeds primed with the higher GA3 concentrations as compared with those raised from seeds treated with distilled water under control conditions (without NaCl) or at 50 mM NaCl stress. The chlorophyll content increased with the NaCl concentration, especially in plants grown from seeds primed with GA3. Plants grown from GA3-primed seeds also suffered lower cellular injury both under control conditions and under NaCl stress.

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, Lawrence, Kansas, USA . pp. 81 – 96 . Díaz , S. , J. Fargione , F.S. Chapin III and D. Tilman . 2006 . Biodiversity loss threatens human well-being . PLoS Biol. 4 ( 8 ): e277

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, J.M. Strugnell , J.M. Sundat , M. Tuanmu , A. Vergés. C. Villanueva , T. Wernberg , E. Wapstra and S.E. Williams . 2017 . Biodiversity redistribution under climate change: Impacts on ecosystems and human well-being . Science 355 : eaai9214

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Well-Being: Current State and Trends. Island Press , Washington D.C. pp. 681 – 716 . Körner , C. , J. Paulsen and E.M. Spehn . 2011 . A definition of mountains and their

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Vegetationskunde 32 : 79 – 85 . Reid , W. V. ( 2005 ): Ecosystems and human well-being: Synthesis; a report of the millennium ecosystem assessment. – Island Press , Washington

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1122 citations indicating the importance placed on their health and well-being. Sixty-four medicinal plants treated sheep, highlighting the various treatments available. Cows were the second most commonly treated livestock, with 733 citations and 38

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INTRODUCTION An adequate supply of food in terms of nutrition and calories is one of the most important factors in human health and well-being. Due to rapidly increasing populations, as well as urbanisation in most developing countries, the demand

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Acta Alimentaria
Á. Vajda
Cs. Mohácsi-Farkas
L. Ózsvári
, and
Gy. Kasza

Salmonellosis is a widely known infectious disease in Hungary that played dominant role between 1960 and 1996 and remained one of the top food-borne illnesses to these days with an estimated total number of 96 048 cases (2019). Beside direct costs of treatment, indirect costs are also significant on the level of population. Among indirect costs, consumer well-being losses are difficult to be estimated. For this purpose, the willingness to pay (WTP) method is used most frequently that measures the cost an individual would undertake to avoid a certain harm. For the well-being loss estimation, the data of National Food Chain Safety Authority's annual consumer survey was used, in which 323 respondents gave evaluable answer to the open-ended WTP question. Results indicate that an average respondent would pay 18.6 EUR to avoid salmonellosis. Main factors affecting WTP were size of family and number of children. The numbers indicate that the consumer well-being loss could be about 1 786 060 EUR annually, resulting from the multiplication of the estimated number of annual salmonellosis cases and the average WTP value. It can be concluded that consumer well-being losses alone would call for further interventions in Salmonella eradication, not to mention other – more direct – cost elements.

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_population_aged_15_or_over).png . Eurostat ( 2022b ). SDG 3 - Good Health and well-being. Smoking prevalence . Available at: . FRA ( 2018

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). Undernutrition and associated factors among under-five orphan children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020: a cross-sectional study . Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism , 2021 ( 9 ): 6728497 . Singh , A. and Suvidha , D. ( 2016 ). Well-being of orphans: a

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