Search Results
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). U. Barth-Wirsching H. Höller 1989 Experimental studies on zeolite formation conditions The European Journal of Mineralogy
). R.M. Barrer 1978 Cation exchange equilibria in zeolites and feldspathoids L. Sand F. Mumpto
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SIMON, L., 2001. Effects of natural zeolite and bentonite on the phytoavailability of heavy metals in chicory. In: Environmental Restoration of Metals Contaminated Soil. (Ed. ISKANDAR, I. K.) 261-271. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton
MÚLT-JELEN-JÖVŐ a hazai mezőgazdasági talajvizsgálatokban
PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE in Hungarian soil analyses
. Proc I. Congr Soil Sci . vol. 1 . Washington . 213 – 219 . ‘SIGMOND , E. & DI GLÉRIA J ., 1927b . The different degrees of saturation of the absorbing complex, humus-zeolite of the soil and methods for their determination . Proc I. Congr
. Simon, L., 2001. Effects of natural zeolite and bentonite on the phytoavailability of heavy metals in chicory. In: Environmantal Restoration of Metals Contamined Soil (Ed.: Iskander, I. K.) Chapter 13. 261--271. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton
. Barbarick , K. A. , Lai , I. M. & Eberl , D. D. , 1990 . Exchange fertilizer (phosphate rocks plus ammonium-zeolite) effects on sorghum-Sudangrass . Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54 . 911 – 915