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Condition of the Slave in Private Law from Augustus to Justinian ( CUP 1908 ). Chevallier , P. , ‘ La “reconciliatio mutui”. Contribution à l'étude du prêt dans la Rome ancienne ’ ( 1955 ) 32 Revue historique de droit français et étranger 376 – 411
tried to find new ways. One of the dominant new trends was interpolation research, which used methods of textual criticism to distinguish classical quotations from those of Justinian within the Corpus Iuris . 63
water. Justinian's Digest mentions some of them: interdict of the daily and summer water ( de aqua quotidiana et aestiva ), 38 interdict of the canals ( de rivis ), 39 interdict of the springs ( de fonte ), 40 interdict of the drains ( de cloacis
, revised by Lawson , F.H. (2nd edn, Cambridge University Press 1974 ). Buckland , W.W. , A Text-Book of Roman Law from Augustus to Justinian , revised by Stein , P. (3