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Acta Biologica Hungarica
Negin Khomarlou
Parviz Aberoomand-Azar
Ardalan Pasdaran Lashgari
Hamid Tebyanian
Ali Hakakian
Reza Ranjbar
, and
Seyed Abdolmajid Ayatollahi
. Samy , R. P. , Ignacimuthu , S. ( 2000 ) Antibacterial activity of some folklore medicinal plants used by tribals in Western Ghats in India . J. Ethnopharmacol. 69 , 63 – 71 . 32
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
N. Kulcsar
Z. Illes
N. Temesi
E. Szendro
, and
P. Szendro
both have a long tradition of consumption in the countryside ( Rodina et al., 2014 ). Investment was also carried out during the project, resulting in the construction of a folklore house that has been in use since then. The first room of the country