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Szülői segítségnyújtás a jelenléti és távolléti oktatás idején
Parental Assistance during Traditional and Distance Education
Összefoglaló. Tanulmányunk fókuszában a koronavírus során bevezetett járványügyi intézkedések gyermekeket érintő kérdései állnak, a járványnak a családok időgazdálkodásra való hatása és az otthoni tanulás, digitális átállás nehézségei. Kutatásunkban egy telefonos kérdőíves lekérdezésen (CATI) alapuló adatbázist használunk, melyet a járvány első hulláma idején készítettek, 2020 áprilisában a Kopp Mária Intézet megbízásából (N = 1000). Vizsgáljuk, hogy mi befolyásolja az otthoni tanulást akkor, ha a szülőknek esetleg a tananyag elsajátításában is segítséget kell nyújtaniuk. Eredményeink szerint a családok többségének lehetősége és szándéka volt a közös tanulásra, ennek mértékére és mikéntjére nem a megszokott társadalmi háttérváltozók mentén találtunk különbségeket, hanem a családi kapcsolatok és az otthoni munkavégzés kapcsán.
Summary. The focus of our study is on the issues of epidemiological measures introduced during the coronavirus that affect children, the impact of the pandemic on time management of families and the difficulties of home learning and digital transition. In our research, we use a database based on a telephone questionnaire (CATI), which was created during the first wave of the pandemic, in April 2020 on behalf of the Mária Kopp Institute (N = 1000). We examine what influences home learning when parents may need to help with curriculum acquisition. According to our results, the majority of families had the opportunity and intention to learn together, and we did not find differences in the extent and manner of this along the usual social background variables, but in relation to family relationships and working from home.
Higher educational dropout is a major education policy issue that can be influenced by several factors. In addition to the family background, it is necessary to mention the motivation for further education as an individual factor which has a complex effect. Another possible individual cause can be the attractiveness of the labor market. Due to the ratio of students dropping out of higher education in Hungary, it can be suspected that students’ intensive work contributes to weaker learning outcomes, resulting dropout finally. In this context, however, the decisive role of the different work values and working attitudes is also unquestionable. Other institutional factors such as the country of the institution or the type of financing of the training cannot be ignored as well. Accordingly, in our research, we investigated individual, institutional, and sociodemographic factors affecting persistence through the TESCEE 2015 (N = 2015) database. Factors influencing persistence were measured by linear regression analysis with the application of two-sample t-test to measure the between-group differences. Regarding socio-demographic factors, the father’s educational level showed a significant impact on a negative while the mother’s employment in a positive way, furthermore, gender presented a trend effect. Institutional factors by themselves are not remarkable; however, some individual factor can increase their impact. At the individual level, the significant effect of career office membership and work values could be detected. Our results can contribute to the recognition of the relationships behind the high ratio of dropout and the identification of factors that can promote persistence, which can support to reduce the dropout ratio at a national and international level.