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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Anna Visy
Karina Ilona Hidas
Annamária Barkó
Lien Le Phuong Nguyen
László Friedrich
, and
Gábor Jónás

case of curing, both physical and chemical processes take place in the product, which strongly determine the quality of final product. These changes are important for the taste, texture, colour and protein formation. Mayer et al. (2010) found that

Open access

first theme, the vertical-springing characteristics of the second theme, and the undulating dolce third theme provide basic, one could say well-planned, “systematic” contrasts. Contrast in rhythm, contrast in texture, and contrast even in string

Open access

. Magyarország , Budapest , 2011.11.10-2011.11.11. Paper Paper S3/1 . Barrett , D.M. , Beaulieu , J.C. , and Shewfelt , R. ( 2010 ). Color, flavor, texture, and nutritional quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables: desirable levels, instrumental and

Open access

basalts of the neighboring Pannonian Basin. The latter (Fig.  3D ) carries two distinctive series of peridotite xenoliths, one with well-known usual texture types (empty circles) and another with poikilitic textures (filled diamonds). The two series differ

Open access

original color of Qi-lou buildings, and it also has the characteristics of light weight and transparency. On the one hand, the texture of the new material is compared with the texture of the original material to produce unexpected artistic effects. On the

Open access

application of architecture materials. Various architecture materials possess unique appearances, textures, and characteristics, thereby assuming symbolic roles in architectural design and serving as a means of expression and communication [ 6 ]. In

Open access

between the existing and new, Collin Rowe's Collage City reopens the definition of urban texture and its continuity [ 7 ]. The aim of research is reconsidering 20th century theories while querying for open city form relying not only in geometry and urban

Open access
Central European Geology
Zsófia Pálos
István János Kovács
Dávid Karátson
Tamás Biró
Judit Sándorné Kovács
Éva Bertalan
Anikó Besnyi
György Falus
Tamás Fancsik
Martina Tribus
László Előd Aradi
Csaba Szabó
, and
Viktor Wesztergom

flows The samples from lava rocks are of andesitic composition with microholocrystalline texture. The larger plagioclases are 1 mm long, hypidiomorphic, and with well-defined or blurred (no. 1 Nagy-Hideg Hill) edges. Some show oscillatory

Open access

stress in patients [ 13–16 ]. Colors, textures, materials and surfaces contribute to improve the light quality of the room and facilitate the comprehension of space, by the prevention of glare and control the shadow as well as the adequate use of these

Open access

texture quality of bread, noodles, and dough. The presence of certain CDs in starchy foods will not only affect the quality and storability of these products, but in many cases, it will also provide an extra, nutritional value: the presence of added CD to

Open access