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Péczely Ignác öröksége: a colobomától a mesterséges intelligenciáig
The legacy of Ignác Péczely: from coloboma to artificial intelligence
processing through iridology, an alternative method. 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). Caceres, 2018; pp. 1–7. 45 Samant P, Agarwal R. Machine learning
KJ . Izomerő, koordináció, kardiorespiratorikus paraméterek és a választásos reakcióidő méréstechnikája gyermekkori neurológiai kórképekben [Measurement technology of muscle force, coordination, cardio-respiratory parameters
taken up by conservative public personalities, the corporate-psychedelic subculture, and neo-Nazi organisations: as technologies for justifying hierarchy-based, conservative ideologies and reinforcing capitalist systems of alienation. We are sympathetic
Psychedemia: Charting the future of interdisciplinary Psychedelic Studies
Introduction to the Special Issue
-assisted therapy (P-AT), respectively. In this Special Issue, we share selected perspectives from and inspired by Psychedemia, 2022 in the spirit of interdisciplinary scholarship: Emma Stamm —now an Assistant Professor of Science, Technology, and Society (STS) at
, hallucinatory character of Silicon Valley's self-serving narratives. Far from the promise of healing trauma, the alternative would amount to both fields' complicity in the use of AI and psychedelics as technologies of elite persuasion. Elite hallucinations in AI
Sciences. MG was supported by the Bolyai+ Fellowship (ÚNKP-19-4-ÁTE-1) of the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. DF was supported by the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology
values of the proposed logistic regression model is not included. The models were not tested on independent test cases. 93 - AUC all opacities: 0.93 N/A N/A N/A Pan et al. [ 84 ] YITU CT software COVID-Lesion Net module (YITU healthcare Technology Co. Ltd
Az orvosok fizetésének alakulása 1998 és 2021 között hazánkban
Changes of payment of physicians between 1998 and 2021 in Hungary
–918. 28 Endrei D, Molics B, Ágoston I. Multicriteria decision analysis in the reimbursement of new medical technologies: real-world experiences from Hungary. Value Health 2014; 17: 487
A dementia ellátása a háziorvosi gyakorlatban
Care of dementia in the general practice
–774. 50 Moyle W, Murfield J, Lion K. The effectiveness of smart home technologies to support the health outcomes of community-dwelling older adults living with dementia: a scoping review. Int J Med
Csípőízületi protézisműtéten átesett betegek szociodemográfiai jellemzőinek és rövid távú életminőségének vizsgálata
Investigation of the short-term quality of life and socio-demographic factors of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty
the UK and Hungary. Lancet 2006; 368: 917–918. 20 Endrei D, Molics B, Ágoston I. Multicriteria decision analysis in the reimbursement of new medical technologies: real