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resource organization like wwPDB is to distribute high-quality data and information with no limitations to its global users. To provide this condition, the PDB archive is supported by strong system to enhance the quality of disseminated data. Today, the PDB

Open access

-Rahman, Gernot Reifenberger, Nizar W. Shayya, and the staff of the animal research facility at FEM of Charité - University Medicine Berlin for excellent technical assistance and animal breeding. References 1. WHO . World Health Organization-joint FAO/WHO Expert

Open access

communities [ 3 ]. Therefore, MDR P. aeruginosa are listed as serious threat to human health in the CDC's 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report [ 3 ]. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) records carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa in its

Open access

situation, the World Health Organization has issued a call to action, urging researchers and the medical community to pioneer innovative therapeutic strategies against MRSA infections [ 20 ]. This includes the development of new antibiotics, alternative

Open access

material – Method by sieving and sedimentation . International Organization for Standarization , Geneva, Switzerland . ISO/DIS 11277 : 1994 . Soil quality; determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil

Open access

A talajok aggregátum-stabilitásának vizsgálati lehetőségei I. Makroaggregátum-stabilitás

Determination of soil aggregate stability I. Macro-aggregate stability

Agrokémia és Talajtan
Viktória Labancz
Gyöngyi Barna
Tamás Szegi
, and
András Makó

10930 : 2012 . Soil Quality–Measurement Of The Stabilty Of Soil Aggregates Subjected To The Action Of Water. International Organization For Standarization , Geneva, Switzerland. Jakab , G ., Dobos , E ., Madarász , B ., Szalai , Z . & Szabó

Open access