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SKSK Screeningverfahren zur Erhebung von kompensatorischem und süchtigem Kaufverhalten Hogrefe Göttingen, Germany [Screening instrument for the measurement of compulsive and compulsive buying

Open access

per target behavior showed uniformly high loadings on a single factor, suggesting unidimensionality for each subscale. A second argument supporting the development of the SSBA is that extant clinical screening instruments are insufficient or

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Irene Montiel
Jéssica Ortega-Barón
Arantxa Basterra-González
Joaquín González-Cabrera
, and
Juan Manuel Machimbarrena

) Potenza et al. (2019) Brief clinical screening instrument (survey or interview) for adolescents and adults, that measures the biological, psychological, and social problems in excessive gamblers. It has 2

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Susumu Higuchi
Yoneatsu Osaki
Aya Kinjo
Satoko Mihara
Masaki Maezono
Takashi Kitayuguchi
Takanobu Matsuzaki
Hideki Nakayama
Hans-Jürgen Rumpf
, and
John B. Saunders

estimated prevalence of ICD-11 GD ( Darvesh et al., 2020 ). The development of a screening instrument for a newly conceptualized disorder is of great importance. Firstly, it can serve as an instrument to identify individuals with the disorder for the

Open access

Assist Working Group, 2002 ) is a validated ( Humeniuk et al., 2008 ) screening instrument assessing the risk of abuse of diverse substance groups using seven items each. In this study, eight different substance groups (alcohol, amphetamine, cannabis

Open access

Az akne egészségpszichológiai vonatkozásai

Health psychology aspects of acne

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Anna Zsófia Csontos
Adrien Rigó

screening instruments . Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology , 34 ( 7 ), 360 – 366 . 10.1007/S001270050156 Smith , R. N ., Mann , N. J ., Braue , A ., Mäkeläinen , H ., & Varigos , G. A . ( 2007 ). A low-glycemic-load diet improves

Open access

Recommendations for increasing research on co-occurring serious mental illness and gambling problems

Commentary on: Disordered gambling and psychosis: Prevalence and clinical correlates (Cassetta et al., 2018)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Rebecca E. Pullman
Marc N. Potenza
, and
Shane W. Kraus

geographically diverse, and which include measures of symptom severity and types of gambling that are common in this population Screening Screening instruments for assessing gambling problems within this

Open access

-speaking countries and facilitates cross-cultural studies using related screening instruments. Methods Participants and procedure The target population was Spanish adult gamblers and a Barcelona market research company

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Nicki A. Dowling
Carrie Ewin
George J. Youssef
Stephanie S. Merkouris
Aino Suomi
Shane A. Thomas
, and
Alun C. Jackson

Hurt-Insult-Threaten-Screamed Scale (HITS; Sherin, Sinacore, Li, Zitter, & Shakil, 1998 ) was modified into two single items, binary screening instruments to measure whether the participant had experienced FV victimization and perpetration in the past

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Matthias Brand
Hans-Jürgen Rumpf
Zsolt Demetrovics
Astrid Müller
Rudolf Stark
Daniel L. King
Anna E. Goudriaan
Karl Mann
Patrick Trotzke
Naomi A. Fineberg
Samuel R. Chamberlain
Shane W. Kraus
Elisa Wegmann
JoËl Billieux
, and
Marc N. Potenza

addictive behaviors seem to be valid for the candidate phenomenon. This also implies that it is not enough if only a very few studies, for example using a new screening instrument, have addressed a new potential addictive behavior to use the term “disorder

Open access