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The aim of this study was to objectively assess the hand hygiene performance of medical students. Hand rubbing technique was evaluated by employing innovative UV-light-based imaging technology, identifying patterns and trends in missed areas after applying WHO’s six-step protocol. This specially designed hand hygiene education and assessment program targeted 1,344 medical students at two distant sites in Central Europe. Students were introduced to a short video, presenting the basics of hand hygiene, and then received further demonstration from professional trainers, focusing on the correct execution of WHO’s six-step technique. To verify the acquired skill, participants rubbed their hands with UV-marked alcohol-based solution. Digital images of the hands were recorded under UV light, followed by computer evaluation and assessment. Immediate objective visual feedback was given to the participants showing missed areas on their hands. The statistical analysis of missed spots was based on retrospective expert-driven manual evaluation. Significant difference in rubbing quality was found between female and male participants [35.3% (CI 95%: 33–38%) versus 29.0% (CI 95%: 27–31%), p < 0.001], dominant and non-dominant hands [43.4% (CI 95%: 39–48%) versus 34.9% (CI 95%: 32–38%), p = 0.002], and various zones of the hands’ dorsal side. Based on the participants’ feedback and the evaluation of the infection control specialists, it can be stated that the identification of typically missed patterns and the instant visual feedback have a vital role in improving the hand hygiene technique of prospective medical staff.

Open access

Addressing taxonomic challenges for Internet Use Disorders in light of changing technologies and diagnostic classifications

Commentary on: “How to overcome taxonomical problems in the study of Internet use disorders and what to do with “smartphone addiction”?” (Montag et al., 2020)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Hans-Jürgen Rumpf
Dillon Browne
Dominique Brandt
, and
Florian Rehbein

addictive behaviors. At the same time, it might be worthwhile to consider the specific role of technology in IUD and discuss how the proposed taxonomy relates to diagnostic classifications. Taxonomy of IUD and technological advances Specific technical

Open access

2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV) 2021 : IEEE , 1294 – 1299 . [10] Chaunzwa TL , et al. : Deep learning classification of lung cancer histology using CT images

Open access
Rama Mohan Pasupuleti
Sarvade Pedda Venkata Subba Rao
Prema Kothandan
Samarthi Swapna Rani
Sathees Babu Shanmuganathan
, and
Vijayaprabhu Arumugam

in many neurological disorders and conditions are made easier by the widely used MRI technology [ 8 ]. Based on visual characteristics and a contrast texture analysis of the soft tissue, standard MRI sequences are typically used to distinguish between

Open access
Borbála Vattay
Melinda Boussoussou
Sarolta Borzsák
Milán Vecsey-Nagy
Judit Simon
Márton Kolossváry
Béla Merkely
, and
Bálint Szilveszter

-attenuated areas corresponding to myocardial injury in the left ventricle (LV) during first-pass of the contrast agent (see Central illustration ). Advancements in CT scanner technology led to an improved spatial and temporal resolution with lower radiation

Open access
Ahmed Harmouche
Ferenc Kövér
Sándor Szukits
Tamás Dóczi
Péter Bogner
, and
Arnold Tóth

explore, customize, and share 3D views of human anatomy, physiology, diseases, and treatments. The neuroimaging community also started to adopt web technologies, an example of which is BrainBrowser [ 11 ], a web-based project that enables visualizing

Open access

A laparoszkópia térhódítása egy alapjaiban új műtéti technika elsajátítását kívánta meg a sebészektől. Mára e technika egyértelműen teret nyert a gastrointestinalis sebészetben is. A laparoszkópos cholecystectomia (LC) fejlődésének áttekintése sok tanulsággal szolgálhat a haladó laparoszkópos műtétekhez, s a tapasztalatok felhasználása hasznos lehet más, új minimálisan invazív technikák bevezetésénél is. Módszer és anyag: A laparoszkópos technika elterjedése és rutinműtétté válása után 1994-ben, illetve 13 évvel később, 2007-ben a Semmelweis Egyetem I. Sebészeti Klinikáján végzett cholecystectomiák adatait retrospektíven vizsgáltuk. Az adatfeldolgozást az SPSS 16.0 programcsomag segítségével készítettük. A szignifikanciaszint meghatározásához χ 2 -próbát használtunk. Eredmények: A vizsgált időszakban a cholecystectomiáknál a laparoszkópos technika egyértelmű térnyerése volt megfigyelhető (52,09% vs. 90,13%) emelkedő esetszám (263/304), változatlan életkor (~53,5 év) és nő/férfi arány (75/25%) mellett. A BMI mérsékelten emelkedett (26,5 vs. 27,6), de gyakrabban kerültek kórosan kövér betegek laparoszkópos műtétre (BMI: 25–30: 37,93% vs. 44,39%, 30–35: 13,79% vs. 20,6%, 35–40: 6,89% vs. 5,82%, illetve 40 \lt; 0% vs. 1,34%), miközben a posztoperatív ápolási napok száma radikálisan csökkent: 5,9 napról 2,3 napra. Míg a laparoszkópos műtétek után 1994-ben átlagban 2,9 napot töltöttek a betegek a klinikán, 2007-ben a betegek majdnem negyede 1 nappal a műtétet követően távozott. Az LC ideje 78 percről 53 percre csökkent, és csökkent az intraoperatív vérzés, epehólyag-perforáció és kőkihullás száma. A konverziós arány ugyanakkor 2,7%-ról 4,9%-ra emelkedett. 2007-ben a laparoszkópos cholecystectomiák 3%-ánál (10 beteg) csupán 3 portot használtunk a műtét elvégzéséhez. Megbeszélés: A technika elsajátításának következményeképpen a korábban felállított relatív és abszolút kontraindikációk revízióra kerültek, s jelenleg a cholecystectomiák több mint 90%-a laparoszkóposan történik. A laparoszkópos technika fejlődésének vizsgálata során nyert adatok felhasználhatóak a természetes szájadékokon keresztüli sebészet kutatásakor, a módszer elsajátításakor, illetve esetleges bevezetésénél is.

Open access



The TIRADS classification system is commonly used in ultrasound imaging to evaluate the risk of malignancy in thyroid nodules, but there is still debate about its accuracy. The BSRTC categorizes FNA biopsy results to determine the likelihood of malignancy in thyroid nodules, and this remains the gold standard for diagnosis.


This is a cross-sectional study design conducted in the Radiology Department of Chughtai Lab Head Office in Lahore. This study assessed 154 patients with thyroid nodules. The ultrasound equipment used for the study is the Toshiba Applio 500 model, while the equipment for FNAC included topical anesthesia, 21-gauge 10 CC syringes, glass slides, cell block, and the Olympus CX23 microscope. The sampling technique employed is the consecutive sampling technique.


Out of 154 patients, the mean age was 42.0 ± 13.6 years. Majority were female (89%) while 11% are male. The P-value of <0.0001 suggests a statistically significant association between TIRADS and Bethesda categories. The findings suggested that ultrasonography is a highly reliable and effective method for diagnosis, with a superior degree of sensitivity and specificity in addition to invasive cytology tests. Results from the ROC curve analysis showed an impressive area under the curve of 0.972. The sonographic features show significant associations with TIRADS categories (P-value <0.0001). The association between TIRADS suspiciousness and Bethesda diagnosis is statistically significant (P-value <0.0001). Benign nodules were most commonly classified as not suspicious (56.5%), followed by mildly suspicious (9.7%), while malignant nodules were primarily classified as highly suspicious (11.0%). Notably, no malignant nodules were categorized as benign.


Healthcare professionals may consider utilizing TIRADS as a first-line imaging method and then BETHESDA if needed to provide patients with the most accurate results and minimize unwanted interventional exposure. Combining these two scoring methods appears to yield the most precise outcomes for identifying and distinguishing benign from malignant nodules, which is critical for arriving at a definitive diagnosis in individuals with thyroid malignancies.

Open access
Hina Shabbir
Zareen Fatima
Abdul Wahab
Kashif Azeem Zafar
Muhammad Ansar
Mahrukh Latif
, and
Sabar Butt



Corpus luteum is a transient structure which plays an important role by producing crucial hormones required for conception and pregnancy maintenance. The objective of this study was to compare grey scale morphological appearances and Doppler indices of corpus luteum in normal and abnormal pregnancies during first trimester.


A comparative study was carried out after getting approval from Institutional Research Ethical Committee. A total of 156 pregnant women, 78 with normal and abnormal pregnancies each, with gestational age between 5 and 8 weeks were included in the study. Out of the abnormal pregnancies 52 (66.66%) were cases of threatened while 26 (33.33%) had missed abortion. Transvaginal ultrasound was used to assess the corpus luteum on gray scale and Doppler ultrasound.


There was no significant difference between gray-scale sonographic appearances of normal and cases of missed and threatened abortion on Chi-square test. However, PI, RI and SD ratio showed significant difference between normal and cases of missed and threatened abortion on Kruskal- Wallis test.


Doppler indices recorded from the vasculature of corpus luteum can serve as an important indicator of the pregnancy outcome during early pregnancy.

Open access
Jens von Berg
Kenneth F. M. Hergaarden
Max Englmaier
Daniela Pfeiffer
Nataly Wieberneit
Sven Krönke-Hille
Tim Harder
André Gooßen
Daniel Bystrov
Matthias Brueck
Stewart Young
, and
Hildo J. Lamb


Background and Aim

Issues in patient positioning during chest X-ray (CXR) acquisition impair diagnostic quality and potentially increase radiation dose. Automated quality assessment was proposed to address this. Our objective is to determine thresholds on some quality control metrics following international guidelines, that represent expert knowledge and can be applied in a comprehensible and explainable AI approach for such an automatic quality assessment.

Materials and Methods

An AI-method estimating collimation distance to the ribcage, balancing between both clavicle heads, and number of ribs above the diaphragm as metrics for collimation, rotation, and inhalation quality was applied on 64,315 posteroanterior CXR images from a public dataset (ChestX-ray8). From this set 920 CXR images were sampled and manually annotated to gain additional trusted reference metrics. Seven readers from different institutions then classified the acquisition quality of these images independently into okay, inadequate, or unacceptable following the criteria of international guidelines. Optimal thresholds on the metrics were determined to reproduce these classes using the metrics only.


A fair to moderate agreement between the experts was found. When disregarding all inadequate rates a classification on the metrics was able to separate okay rated cases from unacceptable cases for collimation (AUC > 0.97), rotation (AUC = 0.93) and inhalation (AUC = 0.97).


Suitable thresholds were determined to reproduce expert opinions in the assessment of the most important quality criteria in CXR acquisition. These thresholds were finally applied on the AI-method's estimates to automatically classify image acquisition quality comprehensibly and according to the guidelines.

Open access