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that most persons in need of help are correctly identified via the screening instrument. Finally, future studies could also apply other statistical approaches (e.g., supervised machine learning) to identify optimal cut-off scores based on a selection of

Open access

H. Kranzler 1995 The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT): Validation of a screening instrument for use in medical settings Journal of Studies on Alcohol

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Daniel L. King
Abel Nogueira-López
Christina R. Galanis
Toshitaka Hamamura
Christian Bäcklund
Alessandro Giardina
Joël Billieux
, and
Paul H. Delfabbro

0031324 . Vadlin , S. , Åslund , C. , & Nilsson , K. W. ( 2015 ). Development and content validity of a screening instrument for gaming addiction in adolescents: The Gaming Addiction Identification Test (GAIT) . Scandinavian Journal of Psychology

Open access

A jógázó nők mentális és testi egészsége a gyakorlási paraméterekkel összefüggésben

Mental and physical health of yoga practitioners women in relation to exercise parameters

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Gusztáv József Tornóczky
Miklós Bánhidi
István Karsai
Henriett Nagy
, and
Sándor Rózsa

. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine , 25 , 1 – 12 . Kocalevent , R. D ., Hinz , A ., & Brahler , E . ( 2013 ). Standardization of a screening instrument (PHQ-15) for somatization syndromes in

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Lijuan Shi
Yuanyuan Wang
Hui Yu
Amanda Wilson
Stephanie Cook
Zhizhou Duan
Ke Peng
Zhishan Hu
Jianjun Ou
Suqian Duan
Yuan Yang
Jiayu Ge
Hongyan Wang
Li Chen
Kaihong Zhao
, and
Runsen Chen

university, which may limit the generalizability. Third, the core addiction indicators in the different IGD screening instruments were inconsistent from each other ( Torres-Rodriguez, Griffiths, & Carbonell, 2018 ). Researchers have questioned the suitability

Open access

)  BPD McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder Lifetime 10 (true/false) 7 out of 10 items Melartin, Häkkinen, Koivisto, Suominen, and

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Ana Estévez
Paula Jáuregui
Inmaculada Sánchez-Marcos
Hibai López-González
, and
Mark D. Griffiths

contrast with studies that have utilized other diagnostic screening instruments. Furthermore, a few studies have reported some problems associated with this instrument in accurately assessing problem gambling in adolescent populations ( Ladouceur et

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Shane W. Kraus
Mateusz Gola
Joshua B. Grubbs
Ewelina Kowalewska
Rani A. Hoff
Michał Lew-Starowicz
Steve Martino
Steven D. Shirk
, and
Marc N. Potenza

the diagnostic recognition of CSBD. In June 2019, CSBD was officially added to the ICD-11 ( World Health Organization, 2018 ) and with the high co-occurrence of PPU, the development of short, robust, and psychometrically sound screening instruments for

Open access

population, that is current social casino gamers who also engaged in gambling. Specifically, we first used a brief screening instrument to assess whether participants engaged in social casino games and gambling activities in the past 3 months. All

Open access

dependence Nicotine dependence (ND) was measured with the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND; Heatherton, Kozlowski, Frecker, & Fagerström, 1991 ), a 6-item screening instrument. Questions included: (1) “How soon after you wake up do you smoke

Open access