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„Sosem tudnám megtenni.” Az öngyilkos viselkedés „gondolatból tett” paradigmája
“I could never do it.” The ideation-to-action framework of suicide behavior
. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. 14 O’Connor RC. Towards an integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behaviour. In: O
enhance motivation more generally, which has improved progress in cognitive-behavioral interventions ( Keeley at al., 2016 ). Note that this approach would underscore the import of effort outside of session, potentially challenging simpler desires for the
. Alcohol and tobacco: from basic science to clinical practice 1995 Cooper, M. L.: Motivations for alcohol use
the social aspects of games, the social motivations of gamers, and their sociability may play an important role. As shown by Ng and Wiemer-Hastings (2005) , MMOGs are played much more intensively compared to non-MMOGs. The difference is the community
Dohányzó várandósok leszokásának orvosi támogatása
Medical support of cessation for pregnant smokers
. 2008; 10: 195–200. 17 Pócs D, Hamvai C, Kelemen O. Health behavior change: motivational interviewing. [Magatartás-változtatás az egészségügyben: a motivációs interjú
gender differences in motivation for participation College Student Journal 40 3 704 714 . Christiansen Capital Advisors ( 2005
) and online video games ( Caplan, Williams, & Yee, 2009 ; Kardefelt-Winther, 2014 ). Motivations for gaming Another line of research in the field of video games is the study of players’ motivations. Among the most
Y. Chiang K. Huang 2014 MAM & U&G in Taiwan: Differences in the uses and gratifications of Facebook as a function of motivational reactivity
Diderichsen, S., Johansson, E. E., Verdonk, P., et al.: Few gender differences in specialty preferences and motivational factors: a cross-sectional Swedish study on last-year medical students. BMC Med. Educ., 2013, 13 , 39
attention and motivation towards the anticipated rewards, which is all mediated by the activity of brain structures comprising reward circuitry ( Flagel & Robinson, 2017 ; Schultz, 2015 ). The cues can signal rewards that differ in respect of some