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Judit Simon
Szilvia Herczeg
Sarolta Borzsák
Judit Csőre
Anna Sára Kardos
Gergely Mérges
Emese Zsarnóczay
Nándor Szegedi
Melinda Boussoussou
Borbála Vattay
Márton Kolossváry
Bálint Szilveszter
László Gellér
Béla Merkely
, and
Pál Maurovich-Horvat

research was financed by the Thematic Excellence Programme (2020-4.1.1.-TKP2020) of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology in Hungary, within the framework of the Therapeutic Development and Bioimaging thematic programmes of the Semmelweis University

Open access

]. CCTA CCTA has undergone significant expansion in both clinical and research realms. Increased gantry spin times, increased detector rows and dual source technology allow the heart to be imaged at end diastole. This reduces motion artefact

Open access
Bettina Katalin Budai
Veronica Frank
Sonaz Shariati
Bence Fejér
Ambrus Tóth
Vince Orbán
Viktor Bérczi
, and
Pál Novák Kaposi

and malignant liver lesions, and as previous studies have also proved it, CTTA can predict the stages of liver fibrosis non-invasively. With further advancement and improvement of technology within the field of radiomics, it may one day serve as a

Open access
Chiara Nardocci
Judit Simon
Fanni Kiss
Tamás Györke
Péter Szántó
Ádám Domonkos Tárnoki
Dávid László Tárnoki
Veronika Müller
, and
Pál Maurovich-Horvat

sources Thematic Excellence Programme (2020-4.1.1.-TKP2020) of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology in Hungary, within the framework of the Therapeutic Development and Bioimaging thematic programmes of the Semmelweis University

Open access

” ( Smith, 2018 )) provides a useful approach as it is a non-reductionist approach that values the primacy of subjective experience. In this paper I apply Martin Heidegger's (1977) critique of modern technology, as well as Fredrik Svenaeus

Open access

Okostelefon-szenzorokon alapuló technológia alkalmazása az otthoni gyógytorna eredményességének ellenőrzésére

Testing an innovative approach to smartphone sensor-based technology for verification of effectiveness of home exercise

Orvosi Hetilap
Fanni Zsarnóczky-Dulházi
Ádám Lelbach
Levente Racz
Lukasz Trzaskoma
István Berkes
Tekla Sümegi
, and
Bence Kopper

. 11 Balasubramanian GV, Beaney P, Chambers R. Digital personal assistants are smart ways for assistive technology to aid the health and wellbeing of patients and carers. BMC Geriatr. 2021; 21

Open access

how our taxonomy should be understood, also in the context of new technologies to appear in the future. Addressing the suggestions in line with earlier efforts to better understand IUD , the time has come to not only speak of a category such as an

Open access
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Dorottya Zólyomi
Tamás Ipolyi
Péter Molnár
Tibor Németh
Dénes Faragó
Rita Kiss
, and
Ferenc Szalay

Mechanical testing The tibiae were subjected to static axial compression. Fracture tests were carried out at the Materials Testing Laboratory, Department of Polymer Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, using a calibrated

Open access

Segítség a távolból – A videoasszisztált újraélesztés jelene és jövője

Help from a distance – The present and the future of video-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Orvosi Hetilap
Bálint Bánfai
József Betlehem
János Musch
Krisztina Deutsch
Emese Sánta
Luca Ferkai
, and
Henrietta Bánfai-Csonka

–32. 30 Dangi R, Lalwani P, Choudhary G, et al. Study and investigation on 5G technology: a systematic review. Sensors (Basel) 2022; 22: 26. 31

Open access

Az automatizált emlőultrahang-daganatszűrés szakirodalmi áttekintése

Review of the scientific literature on the use of automated breast ultrasound for screening

Orvosi Hetilap
Judit Tittmann
Marcell Csanádi
Tamás Ágh
György Széles
Zoltán Vokó
Katalin Ormándi
, and
Árpád Kallai

D, et al. Breast cancer screening with imaging: recommendations from the Society of Breast Imaging and the ACR on the use of mammography, breast MRI, breast ultrasound, and other technologies for

Open access