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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Szabolcs Homolya
Eszter Vozáry
Katalin Badak Kerti
Tímea Kaszab
Mohsen Mardani
, and
Anikó Lambert Meretei

used to make coating masses, fillings and cakes ( Hassim and Dian 2017 ). Replacing it is not nearly as easy, especially in the case of chocolate fillings, because the sensory properties of fat-based fillings (texture, mouthfeel, flavors, etc.) are

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Tamás Zsom
Viktória Zsom-Muha
Lien Phuong Le Nguyen
Dávid Nagy
Géza Hitka
Petra Polgári
, and
László Baranyai

Meter CR-400 (Minolta Europe GmbH, Germany) with Ø 8 mm aperture. Furthermore, non-destructive texture evaluation was carried out by a purpose-built tabletop acoustic texture measuring system ( Zsom et al., 2016; Zsom-Muha and Felföldi, 2007 ). Samples

Open access

containing starch and/or carrageenan and 2.) a dispersed phase of oil. The role of proteins is to stabilize the dispersed phase ( Wijk et al., 2003 ). Thus, firstly the effect of blood plasma and milk proteins can be considered through texture properties. The

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Tamás Csurka
Klára Pásztor-Huszár
Adrienn Tóth
Richárd Pintér
, and
László Ferenc Friedrich

blood texture was measured by viscometric approach. If small amount of dry trisodium-citrate powder can inhibit blood coagulation in industrial environment, the water content of blood may be lower before the following processes. Material and methods

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Karina Ilona Hidas
Csaba Németh
Lien Phuong Le Nguyen
Anna Visy
Adrienn Tóth
László Friedrich
, and
Ildikó Csilla Nyulas-Zeke

for 168 days on the kinetics and gelation process ( Au et al., 2015 ). They found that plasma and granules participate in the irreversible texture change. Wang and his co-authors examined the gelation time of egg yolk at –18 °C. They found that egg

Open access

Increasing the protein and antioxidant content of food products is a constant challenge amongst researchers. Dried pasta products are popular amongst all groups of society. The most important factor in pasta processing is the quality of the flour. Millet (Panicum miliaceum) flour has high nutritional value, enriching it with cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) flour is good choice to increase the quality of protein composition and antioxidant properties of products. Flour mixtures of millet and insect flours (5% and 10%) were analysed after mixing and pasta processing. Addition of wheat gluten improved both texture and nutrition value of pasta products. Total polyphenol content, antioxidant capacity, total protein content, free and total amino acid composition were studied. Quality analysis of dried pasta products were carried out according to Hungarian standards. Data was analysed with Kruskal-Wallis test, Dunn's pair-wise post hoc test was used with Bonferroni correction. The correlation was determined by Spearman's rank. Addition of cricket flour modified the pH, acid value, moisture content, and colour of the samples, these changes lasted during storage. Enrichment could increase the total phenol content significantly even at the low level of 10%. Heat treatment during pasta processing had negative effect on the antioxidant capacity except at higher cricket flour contents. Cricket flour's high protein content proportionately increased millet flour's, thus pasta products'. Dried pasta products passed all quality norms. Enrichment of millet flour with cricket flour is favourable from both nutritional and quality aspects.

Open access


This article contributes a novel technique based on cascade classifiers for smoke detection by utilizing the image processing method. It has been a difficult issue for ten years or so due to its variety in shape, texture, and color. In this article, a machine learning methodology is represented to tackle this issue and simulated with MATLAB software. The smoke detection issue acted like a classification issue. The solution is demonstrated as a binary classification issue. Hence, the support vector machine (SVM) is represented for classification. In order to train and test the SVM classifier, both samples of positive and negative are gathered. Two SVM classifiers are utilized in the cascade. The first classifier distinguishes the presence of smoke if smoke presents in a provided input image; the second classifier is utilized to find the locale of smoke in a provided input image. The size of the window is set to 32 × 32 and slided across the whole image to identify the smoke in a zone of the window. The novel technique is a training dataset and utilizing linear kernel function. In this manner, the novel technique is tested with a test dataset. The first SVM classifier obtained 100% accuracy in training and 96% accuracy in testing. A training accuracy of 96% and a test accuracy of 93.6% were obtained by the second SVM classifier. This novel technique proved to be more proficient and cost-savvy than the traditional strategies.

Open access

Koncepcióváltás a belvízgazdálkodásban: talajtani és vízminőségi kérdések

Conceptual Change in Excess Water Management: Soil and Water Quality Issues

Agrokémia és Talajtan
Benjámin Pálffy
István Fekete
, and
Károly Barta

Munkánk során igyekeztünk a belvízminőséggel, annak időbeli változásaival kapcsolatos kérdéseket megválaszolni.

Az eddig vizsgált nehéz agyag talajtextúrájú algyői mintaterületről származó eredmények rávilágítanak arra, hogy tápanyagok tekintetében számottevő terhelés érheti az elvezetés során a belvizet befogadó felszíni víztestet különösen a belvízelöntés kezdeti időszakában. A terhelést kiemelten a lebegőanyaghoz kötött tápanyagformák adják, míg emellett a felszíni vízborítás kialakulását követő első napokban és hetekben jelentős, környezetvédelmi határértéket is átlépő mineralizált nitrogéntartalomra is kell számítani.

A belvizes környezet reduktív jellemzőinek erősödésével a nitrát – külső utánpótlás nélkül – hamar átalakul, míg a hőmérséklet és a biológiai aktivitás emelkedésével a lebegőanyagtartalom koagulációja és flokkulációja is jelentősen csökkenti a tápanyagterhelést.

Ezen a mintaterületen képződött belvíz öntözővízként való hasznosítását az öntözőrendszer eltömődéséhez vezető magas lebegőanyagtartalom, illetve esetenként magas vas- és mangántartalom nehezítheti jellemzően szintén a tavaszi időszakban, amikor pl. kelesztő öntözéshez használhatjuk fel a vizet a magasabb térszíneken.

Általános érvényű következtetések levonásához a kutatás későbbi szakaszában két új, eltérő talajtani és hidrológiai adottságú mintaterületre is kiterjesztjük vizsgálatunkat. A helyszíni mérésekkel párhuzamosan összeállítunk egy laboratóriumi kísérletet kiemelten a talajtényező hatásának megfigyeléséhez. Ez lehetőséget fog nyújtani arra is, hogy a tápanyagformák időbeli átalakulásáról is pontosabb képet kapjunk.

Open access

, texture, global odour intensity, frangibility, stickiness, sweet taste intensity, general aspect. The samples were evaluated by 21 consumers, with 12 women and 9 men between the ages of 21 and 45 years. All the patterns on the unstructured scale had to be

Open access

of 55–70 °C. The treatment time depends on the type, shape and size of the meat ( Baldwin, 2012 ). Selection of time and temperature parameters used during sous-vide cooking plays an important role on the meat texture changes due to the denaturation

Open access