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hair pulling in the past seven days. As noted above, the severity of these potentially addictive behaviors was assessed by psychometrically sound screening instruments. To assess the problematic occurrence of these behaviors the number of participants
properties of a new screening instrument for adolescents and adults [Manuscript submitted for publication] . Burén , J. , Nutley , S. B. , Sandberg , D. , Ström Wiman , J. , & Thorell , L. B. ( 2021 ). Gaming and social media addiction in
of Clinical Psychiatry , 25 ( 3 ), 193 – 200 . Otto , J. L. , Smolenski , D. J. , Wilson , A. L. G. , Evatt , D. P. , Campbell , M. S. , Beech , E. H. , … Belsher , B. E. ( 2020 ). A systematic review evaluating screening instruments
prevalence estimates (10.3% in men; 7.0% in women). Given its operationalization of the phenomenon, the study might overestimate the proportion of individuals who were in need of clinical treatment. The CSBI-13 is a screening instrument developed before the
IGD is assumed to significantly reduce the risk of misdiagnosis. Thirdly, psychiatric comorbidity which may influence the performance of a screening instrument was not evaluated in study participants. Lastly, the new scoring method for the IGDT-10 was
A high prevalence of depression at moderate or above level was observed in this study. Depression defined by a screening instrument (i.e., CES-D) was a significant predictor of clinical depression diagnosis ( Pietsch et al., 2013 ) and other physical
-021-00367-7 . Sakurai , K. , Nishi , A. , Kondo , K. , Yanagida , K. , & Kawakami , N. ( 2011 ). Screening performance of K6/K10 and other screening instruments for mood and anxiety disorders in Japan . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences , 65 ( 5 ), 434
. , & Benishay , D. ( 1995 ). The SPQ-B: A Brief screening instrument for schizotypal personality disorder . Journal of Personality Disorders , 9 ( 4 ), 346 – 355 . https
Marmet, Notari, and Gmel (2015) , a screening instrument for problem gaming was only used with individuals with an AGT of 1 hour or more per day. In line with this research, the AGT was dichotomised using a threshold of 1 hour per day as a precondition
.1007/s10899-017-9695-1 Dowling , N. A. , Merkouris , S. S. , Dias , S. , Rodda , S. N. , Manning , V. , Youssef , G. J. , ( 2019 ). The diagnostic accuracy of brief screening instruments for problem gambling: A systematic review and meta