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A talaj fixált ammónium-ion tartalmának hatása a talajvíz tisztulási folyamataira a szennyezőforrás felszámolását követően települési környezetben
Effects of fixed ammonium ion content of the soil on groundwater purification processes after the elimination of the pollution source in municipal environment
Growing NH4 + content of groundwater results in increasing exchangeable and fixed ammonium ion content of the soil. NH4 + bond in the soil may go again into solution parallel with the dilution of the soil solution but at a slower rate than fixing. This process influences significantly the NH4 + content of the soil. In settlements with no sewerage system the high NH4 + content of sewage flowing out of uninsulated septic tanks may increase the fixed NH4-N content of the soil that could have a significant effect on the quality of groundwater even after the potential disappearance of pollution sources.
In this study the effects of the fixed NH4-N content of the soil around an uninsulated residential septic tank on the purification processes of the groundwater were investigated. The septic tank in the study area was dismantled in 2014 after 27 years of operation as a sewerage system was constructed. When the tank was still in operation in 2012 and 2013, very high, 55–75 mg l-1 NH4 + content was measured in the water of the monitoring well 1 metre from the tank in the course of seasonal sampling. When sewage outflow was terminated in 2014 concentrations decreased right away but even 5 years after pollutant supply was stopped, concentrations (35–57 mg l-1) highly exceeding the pollution limit (0.5 mg l-1) were measured. Considering this very high concentration, it can be assumed that great amount of NH4 + is still released into the groundwater.
In order to prove this, the exchangeable and fixed NH4-N and NO3-N contents of the soil were determined by 20 cm down to a depth of 4 metres (2019). The measurements indicated the significant accumulation of exchangeable and fixed NH4-N in the zone between 220 and 400 cm. Highest fixed NH4-N concentrations of 457 mg l-1 were found between 220 and 240 cm suggesting that sewage outflow was most intense at this depth. Slow decrease in concentrations can be observed in deeper zones but concentrations higher than 350 mg l-1 were measured between 220 and 380 cm. Based on correlation analyses, the quantity of fixed NH4-N shows no correlation with the soil texture thus it can be stated that the vertical pattern of NH4-N content is determined dominantly by sewage outflow and its depth. In the unsaturated zone of the borehole a significant accumulation of NO3-N was also identified. The maximum of NO3-N was found in the zone between 100 and 140 cm. The peak nitrate calculated for NO3 - ion with a value >1300 mg kg-1 is 2.5 times the limit set for the nitrate content of the geological medium.
Based on the results, exchangeable and fixed NH4-N contents in the soil are still very high, 5 years after sewage outflow was stopped. The continuous solution of this component still contributes to the high NH4 + content of the groundwater. As a result, the contaminated soil in the immediate environment of the septic tank is still a pollution source.
A dysphagia táplálásterápiája stroke-betegek esetében – 2021
Medical nutrition therapy of stroke patients with dysphagia – 2021
Steele C, Alsanei WA, Ayanikalath S, et al. The influence of food texture and liquid consistency modification on swallowing physiology and function: a systematic review. Dysphagia 2015; 30: 2–26. [Erratum: Dysphagia
textural subsoil lamellae . Soil Science 104 ., 7 – 16 . DumitraŞcu , S. 1974 : Repertoriul monumentelor din jud. Sălaj şi
the geometrical features [ 10 ]. The dispersion of specific voxel quantities without spatial correlations is denoted by characteristics of first-order statistics. The characteristics of second-order statistics comprise the textural features obtained by
production line, including textures and other behavioral characteristics [ 10 ]. Technology can play a crucial role in the testing phase before a process is implemented physically [ 11 ]. Maintenance is another area where it can be useful, extending the
Experiences of soil physical measurements with laser diffractometer and their application possibilities in soil water management research
A lézerdiffraktometriás talajfizikai mérések tapasztalatai és ezek alkalmazása a talaj vízgazdálkodási kutatásban
diffraction compatible with standard soil texture determination methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 83. No. 4. pp. 1244–1252.
Comparison of the single-step and double-step sous-vide treatment effect on the quality attributes of chicken breast •
A novel approach to sous-vide
of 55–70 °C. The treatment time depends on the type, shape and size of the meat ( Baldwin, 2012 ). Selection of time and temperature parameters used during sous-vide cooking plays an important role on the meat texture changes due to the denaturation
related quality parameters were evaluated by chlorophyll fluorescence analysis and imaging, and chlorophyll content related DA-index® was also measured. Additionally, other non-destructive quality parameters as textural quality properties (acoustic
oxanbayeva , B. , A ndrássyné B aka , G. & R omvári , R. ( 2018 ): Textural properties of turkey sausage using pea fibre or potato starch as fat replacers . Acta Alimentaria , 47 , 36 – 43
under an Olympus SZX7 binocular microscope at thin section scale and was classified after Dunham ( 1962 ) for the limestone and after Sibley and Gregg’s ( 1987 ) classification schemes for dolomite. Vein texture classification was made according to Bons