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standings in global university rankings, and labor market outcomes, as assessed by graduate employment rates. The equity indicators – enrolment and completion – were adopted from two existing robust sources of equity-based assessments that both use the same

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in his life, and to ensure his institution’s prospects, he joined into outsourced education and national research. Other schools—including vocational training institutions—understandably do not take their cues from the labour market

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Introduction Foreign language teaching has always been in the centre of interest in Hungary and it also plays a key role in the education system. It has significance in the acquisition of a university degree, in labour market opportunities and in

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the book Remaking Communities and Adult Learning is that the primary objectives of adult education and adult learning, as perceived by policy makers, are largely focused on labour market training and skills development. At the same time, they often

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). Parents’ consideration of a suitable field of study is related to the relatively limited knowledge of the structure of fields of study and they consider their investment to be utilitarian (finding a job on the labour market). “Gabra and I decided she

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. Labour markets and disciplines are changing, so we need to adapt to such changes. A good CV and proper advice on how to present it can be decisive in the selection criteria. Then with more chances to be chosen, we should put first the strengths and the

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equity of tertiary education in that country was analysed as based on four indicators (institutional quality, labour market outcome, enrolment, and completion) operationalised via proxies (global university rankings, graduate employment rates, gross

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Negative Positive Neutral School Labor market Number of people 8 8 2 13 1 14 5 10 2 13 This mechanism is supported by the life path interviews, as we encountered one or two similar examples to the ones mentioned above. However, in the narratives, the Roma

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mathematics, which created an under-representation of women in these educational fields, which negatively affected the availability of qualified workers from the labour market incited depending on foreign labours. Several previous studies have tried to

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in both labour market and economic terms, with small differences but similar attitudes towards the issue of supporting learning at work, with similar patterns and similar learning patterns of their employees, most of which are informal. Company “A” is

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