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properties of a new screening instrument for adolescents and adults [Manuscript submitted for publication] . Burén , J. , Nutley , S. B. , Sandberg , D. , Ström Wiman , J. , & Thorell , L. B. ( 2021 ). Gaming and social media addiction in

Open access

of Clinical Psychiatry , 25 ( 3 ), 193 – 200 . Otto , J. L. , Smolenski , D. J. , Wilson , A. L. G. , Evatt , D. P. , Campbell , M. S. , Beech , E. H. , … Belsher , B. E. ( 2020 ). A systematic review evaluating screening instruments

Open access

prevalence estimates (10.3% in men; 7.0% in women). Given its operationalization of the phenomenon, the study might overestimate the proportion of individuals who were in need of clinical treatment. The CSBI-13 is a screening instrument developed before the

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Satoko Mihara
Yoneatsu Osaki
Aya Kinjo
Takanobu Matsuzaki
Hideki Nakayama
Takashi Kitayuguchi
Takayuki Harada
, and
Susumu Higuchi

IGD is assumed to significantly reduce the risk of misdiagnosis. Thirdly, psychiatric comorbidity which may influence the performance of a screening instrument was not evaluated in study participants. Lastly, the new scoring method for the IGDT-10 was

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Elfrid Krossbakken
Torbjørn Torsheim
Rune Aune Mentzoni
Daniel Luke King
Bjørn Bjorvatn
Ingjerd Meen Lorvik
, and
Ståle Pallesen

screening instrument instructing guardians to indicate on a 3-point scale how many days during the past week, or during a “typical” week, certain sleep habits occur (“usually” 5–7 days, “sometimes” 2–4 days, and “rarely” 0–1 day). We also asked respondents

Open access

. Regarding these studies, let us address some primary concerns: (a) there is a lack of longitudinal studies to confirm the disorder’s stability; (b) the screening instruments used are not valid for diagnosis; (c) there is a large probability of false

Open access

-month follow-up ( t 4). All of the above scales are established screening instruments with good psychometric properties. Case Formulation Adam’s initial expression of interest in pornography appeared to be well

Open access

. Hafeli , J. , & Schneider , C. ( 2006 ). The early detection of problem gamblers in casinos: A new screening instrument . Paper presented at the Asian Pacific Gambling Conference, Hong Kong

Open access

measured with screening instruments. The instruments were also self-report measures, which may have biased the results and could have been affected by social desirability in the case of addictions. Moreover, the sample comprised pathological gamblers in

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A high prevalence of depression at moderate or above level was observed in this study. Depression defined by a screening instrument (i.e., CES-D) was a significant predictor of clinical depression diagnosis ( Pietsch et al., 2013 ) and other physical

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