Search Results
Background and aims
This scoping review employed a multifaceted conceptualization of well-being to examine how psilocybin use affects well-being and related sub-concepts in healthy individuals. It investigated which factors influence the relationship between psilocybin use and well-being, what research protocols have been employed, and what underlying mechanisms have been proposed in existing studies.
A comprehensive literature search in line with the PRISMA guidelines was conducted. Scopus, PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched for peer-reviewed articles about psilocybin and well-being in healthy populations.
Studies were heterogeneous in regard to study objectives, study design, study procedure, sample size and psilocybin dosage. In all studies, psilocybin use led to positive well-being-related outcomes for the majority of participants. Facets of well-being positively affected by psilocybin use in this review were self-acceptance, positive relationships, and meaning/purpose in life.
This scoping review provided preliminary evidence for the beneficial effects of psilocybin on well-being and related sub-concepts such as self-acceptance, positive relationships, and meaning/purpose in life in healthy individuals. Ego-dissolution, unity, connectedness, and mystical-type experiences are interrelated concepts that seem to be crucial for explaining such positive well-being-related effects of psilocybin. Under conducive conditions, the use of psilocybin may contribute to healthy functioning, through broad and sustained improvements in a variety of well-being concepts. Due to the heterogeneous nature of the studies, more definite conclusions require further research with a rigorous and homogeneous design.
Arterial thrombosis is extremely rare in patients with factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation. Recent advances in multislice computed tomography (MSCT) technology facilitated diagnosis of thromboembolic events accurately without delay. We report a patient with FVL mutation and acute bilateral lower extremity deep venous thromboses, pulmonary thromboembolism, and acute left anterior descending artery thrombosis, all diagnosed by MSCT. MSCT has been utilized for prompt diagnosis of the concomitant thrombotic pathologies simultaneously.
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Automatic segmentation of dental cone-beam computed tomography scans using a deep learning framework
tapasztalatok.] Orv Hetil. 2019; 160: 1967–1975. [Hungrian] 25 Barabás JI, Palkovics D, Bognár V, et al. The role of 3D technology in the support of
A digitális technológia kínálta új lehetőségek a melanoma malignum szűrésében.
Szakirodalmi áttekintés
New opportunities offered by digital technology in melanoma malignum screening.
A literature review
surveillance of cutaneous malignancies. Am J Med. 2020; 133: 417–423. 46 Young AT, Vora NB, Cortez J, et al. The role of technology in melanoma screening and
A gerincvelői izomsorvadás újszülöttkori szűrésének eredményei Magyarországon 2023-ban
Results of neonatal screening for spinal muscular atrophy in Hungary in 2023
technology evaluation 15. Pharmacoecon Open 2023; 7: 863–875. Erratum: Pharmacoecon Open 2023; 7: 1015. 5 Crawford TO, Swoboda KJ, DeVivo DC, et al
Egészséggel kapcsolatos célok Crohn-betegek körében.
Az infokommunikációs eszközök szerepe
Health goals amongst patients with Crohn’s disease.
The role of the internet and digital technology
Burke M, Settles B. Plugged in to the community: social motivators in online goal-setting groups. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Communities and Technologies, C&T 2011, Brisbane, QLD, June
Gyermekkori genetikai rendellenességek diagnosztikája újgenerációs szekvenálással
Diagnosis of genetic disorders in childhood with next-generation sequencing
Az újgenerációs szekvenáláson (NGS) alapuló diagnosztika legnagyobb előnye, hogy nagyszámú gén párhuzamos szekvenálása révén a genetikai rendellenességek kiterjedt repertoárját képes egyetlen vizsgálattal lefedni. Az analízis viszonylag kisebb költsége és az adatmennyiség kezelhetőbb mennyisége folytán a célzott génpanelek használata, illetve a teljesexom-szekvenálás (WES) a leginkább elérhető NGS-alapú módszer. Összefoglalónkban az NGS létjogosultságát vizsgáljuk gyermekkori genetikai rendellenességek diagnosztikájában. Áttekintjük az öröklött anyagcserezavarok, daganatos megbetegedések és egyéb gyermekkori genetikai rendellenességek NGS-alapú diagnosztikájában fontos szerepet játszó géneket. A kora gyermekkori rendellenességek NGS-alapú diagnosztikájának rutinszerű használata előtt számos technikai és klinikai kérdés vár még megválaszolásra. Jelenleg a legnagyobb kihívást a ritka genetikai variánsok értelmezése és a mutációk patogenitásának igazolása jelenti. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(51): 2027–2040.
Personal choice is a nuanced concept – Lessons learned from the gambling field
Commentary on: Problematic risk-taking involving emerging technologies: A Stakeholder framework to minimize harms (Swanton et al., 2019)
Swanton, Blaszczynski, Forlini, Starcevic, and Gainsbury (2019) propose a thoughtful framework for minimizing the personal harm that is potentially associated with new technologies. Broadly defined these technologies and behaviors include online