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stylistic elements. Listening to the opening movement of the First Sonata, in particular, creates the feeling that the listener is in the midst of a process of stylistic transformation. The characteristic traits of the movement: the unusually dense texture

Open access
Acta Alimentaria
C. Cano-Molina
A. López-Fernández
N. Díaz-González
R. González-Barrio
N. Baenas
M.J. Periago
, and
F.J. García-Alonso

: peel colour, flesh colour, odour, texture, firmness, juiciness, sweetness, acidity, and taste. The intensity of each attribute was rated using an unstructured scale with defined boundaries, established using reference samples corresponding to different

Open access

, with a 20 mm diameter acrylic probe. Textural characteristics were evaluated using the 'Measure Force in Compression' method with specific settings: Test speed: 3.0 mm s −1 , Post-Test speed: 10 mm s −1 , and Distance: 16 mm, employing the TTC

Open access

Egy nemzetközi nyelészavarszűrési módszer hazai adaptálása

Hungarian adaptation of an international swallowing screening method

Orvosi Hetilap
Pál Tamás Szabó
Viktória Műhelyi
Tímea Halász
Katalin Anna Béres-Molnár
András Folyovich
, and
Zoltán Balogh

–211. 20 Cichero JA, Lam P, Steele CM, et al. Development of international terminology and definitions for texture-modified foods and thickened fluids used in dysphagia management: the IDDSI

Open access

garnet grains; (d) pseudomorphic kyanite aggregate after garnet; (e) kyanite aggregates align parallel to the S2 foliation plane; (f) feldspar σ-clast; (g) feldspar σ-clast associated quartz aggregates with polygonal microtexture; (h) boudinage textured

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Dzsenifer Németh
Gábor Balázs
Zsanett Bodor
John-Lewis Zinia Zaukuu
Zoltán Kovács
, and
Noémi Kappel

on self-rooted plants, but the fruit netting becomes poorer and sugar content is only 2–3 Brix°. In the late 1940s Imazu (1949) reported that the Cucurbita moschata rootstock caused a weaker texture and aroma in the grafted Honey Dew’ fruits

Open access
Central European Geology
János Haas
Tamás Budai
István Dunkl
Éva Farics
Sándor Józsa
Szilvia Kövér
Annette E. Götz
Olga Piros
, and
Péter Szeitz

and microscopic texture of the studied section, two dolostone units are distinguished (Fig.  4 ). Light-gray finely to medium crystalline dolostone locally with stromatolite interbeds was found in the upper part (0–941 m) of the well. This unit was

Open access

Finding Groundwater in East and West

Comparing Methods of Finding Groundwater in Al-Karaji’s Treatise on The Extraction of Hidden Waters and Vitruvius’s Treatise on The Ten Books on Architecture

Földalatti vízvezetékek Keleten és Nyugaton

Al-Karaji A rejtőző vizek kitermelése és Vitruvius Tíz könyv az építészetről című traktátusának összehasonlító elemzése a földalatti vízvezetékek tekintetében
Építés - Építészettudomány
Elaheh Golzari
Péter Rabb

with a crumbly texture, contain the most water; then, in sequence, according to their amount of water, green mountains, yellow mountains, and red mountains. 33 Moreover, mountains with hard and many rocks reserve less water, 34 because the snow on

Open access

/min) until complete separation of coatings was recorded. The texture of detached coatings was analyzed by the SEM–energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) study. The testing procedure was repeated 3 times for each specimen, and the results were expressed as the average

Open access
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
D. Sternik
M. Majdan
A. Deryło-Marczewska
G. Żukociński
A. Gładysz-Płaska
V. M. Gun'ko
, and
S. V. Mikhalovsky

( Table 1 ) due to preadsorbed dye molecules. The IPSDs of both minerals are broad with several peaks ( Fig. 2 ). These features reflect a complex texture of the natural minerals with pores of different types and shapes which also have a complex chemical

Open access