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result of water migration) and starch recrystallization or “retrogradation” ( Botosoa et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2015 ). Sponge cakes are high ratio, low fat, foamed type of cakes that rely on incorporated air for volume and texture ( Díaz-Ramírez et al
using a penetrometer (Fruit Texture Analyzer, TR Turoni – Italy) with a probe (cylindrical flat bottom and the diameter of 5 mm). The firmness was defined as the maximum force used to penetrate to a depth of 7 mm in the fruit shoulder zone. Data were
the reaction between salt and acid ( Garnjanaggonchorn, 2007 ). Eggshell based calcium is a prospective product that can be very versatile in its usage, while reducing the amount of food waste. Utilization of eggshell based calcium as texture modifier
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texture properties during ripening . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 59 ( 16 ): 8796 – 8805 . 10.1021/jf201318x
organoleptic properties and lipid composition of common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) meat . Journal of Texture Studies , 46 ( 5 ): 345 – 352 . 10.1111/jtxs.12134 Menoyo , D. , López-Bote , C.J. , Bautista , J.M. , and Obach , A. ( 2003 ). Growth
). Effect of Maillard reaction products derived from the hydrolysate of mechanically deboned chicken residue on the antioxidant, textural and sensory properties of Cantonese sausages . Meat Science , 86 : 276 – 282 . 10.1016/j.meatsci.2010.04.014 Tavano
casein protein-effect on functional, rheological, textural and sensory properties of breads . Journal of Food Science and Technology , 52 ( 12 ): 7697 – 7709 . Gil-Rodríguez , A.M. and Beresford , T.P. ( 2019 ). Lipase inhibitory activity of skim
A talajspektrális könyvtárak nemzetközi jelentősége és hazai megalapozása
The international importance and national establishment of soil spectral libraries
. LE GUILLOU , F ., WETTERLIND , W ., VISCARRA ROSSEL , R.A ., HICKS , W ., GRUNDY , M ., TUOMI , S ., 2015 . How does grinding affect the mid-infrared spectra of soil and their multivariate calibrations to texture and organic carbon