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Az öngyilkossági rizikó becslése a klinikai gyakorlatban.
A jelen kihívásai és a jövő perspektívái
Suicide risk management in clinical practice.
Current challenges and future perspectives
–129. 13 O’Connor RC, Kirtley OJ. The integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behaviour. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2018; 373: 20170268
Az ártalmas gyermekkori élmények és a felnőttkori alkoholfüggőség közötti összefüggések
Relation between adverse childhood experiences and problematic alcohol consumption in adulthood
Feb, 2022]. [Hungarian] 5 Harerimana B, Csiernik R, Kerr M, et al. Extrinsic factors influencing the person’s motivation for engagement and retention in the
Meddőségi kezelésben részt vevő nők és férfiak életviteli szokásainak felmérése
Assessment of lifestyle habits of women and men participating in infertility treatment
on male fertility. Nat Rev Urol. 2015; 12: 373–382. 44 Hou G, Xiong W, Wang M, et al. Chronic stress influences sexual motivation and causes damage
susceptibility” is defined in this paradigm as all person dimensions that predispose the selection of and responsiveness to media ( Valkenburg & Peter, 2013 , p. 226), including individual motivations and personality traits. A second assumption is that media
what it is that I say, respecting my feelings and my needs” P(12-42) “my brother also got clean…, I would call him every day just to talk and get some motivation” External Support 15 General Family 11 Typical Mental Health Professionals 8 Typical
). In this article, we examine empirical data linking attachment to naturalistic psychedelic phenomenology. Attachment theory and research Attachment theory postulates that an innate behavioral and motivational system, activated in stressful situations
, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and sensory processing disorder, can benefit the most from this therapy between the age of 2 and 6 years. The therapy has numerous beneficial effects, including the advancement in motivation
]. Symptoms include the following: – Positive symptoms: increased muscle tone and reflexes and pathological posture. – Negative symptoms: lack of motivation, fatigue, and
data on survey respondents' intentions, motivations, experiences, health behaviors, and demographics. We also described a hypothetical observational study followed by a series of questions aimed to gauge interest in participating in future research and
opioid sources. He had no prior mental health or addiction history, other than tobacco use. His motivation to trial ibogaine came initially from television, followed by online reading. He wanted a quick result and to restore his financial situation