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A pszichológiai szűrés és ellátás helye az asszisztált reprodukcióban
The role of psychological screening and care in assisted reproduction
, Verhaak CM, Kremer JA, et al. Why we should talk about compliance with assisted reproductive technologies (ART): a systematic review and meta-analysis of ART compliance rates. Hum Reprod Update 2013; 19
of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2021-A216). Informed written consent was obtained from every participant and their guardians before the filed investigation. Results Sample information Among 18,900 participants
alternative behaviors adopted by heavy gamers under the restriction. To determine the factors (individual factors, feeling of restriction, parent technology interference) that are associated with the behaviors of violating the restriction and watching short
A gyulladásos bélbetegségek társadalmi hatásai: a munkaképesség és az életminőség vizsgálata
Analysis of work productivity and quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
References 1 Festő B, Njers S, Dávid A, et al. Health goals amongst patients with Crohn’s disease. The role of the internet and digital technology
, WIT transactions on information and communication technologies (Vol. 31 ). Southampton : WIT Press . Davis , R. A. ( 2001 ). A cognitive-behavioral model of
Baromfi-immunglobulinok lehetséges alkalmazásai a mikotoxin-környezetterhelések és a humánérintettség fókuszában
Possible applications of poultry immunoglobulins focusing on mycotoxin environmental loads and human influence
References 1 Yakhkeshi S, Wu R, Chelliappan B, et al. Trends in industrialization and commercialization of IgY technology. Front Immunol. 2022; 13
Ciszteamintartalmú szemcsepp alkalmazása cystinosisban
Ocular treatment of cystinosis with eye drop containing cysteamine
and children from two years of age with cystinosis. In: Clinical Review Report. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, Ottawa, 2019. 17
SpyGlass-kolangioszkópia – első tapasztalatok
SpyGlass cholangioscopy – first experiences
role of frequency-doubled double-pulsed yttrium aluminum garnet laser technology for removing difficult bile duct stones (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc. 2009; 70: 684–689.
units in the same farm. In the vast majority of Hungarian farms, only breeding boars or semen are imported from outside resources. There are no uniform housing technology, feeding, disease control, preventive or therapeutic treatment protocols in the
keratectomy, or PRK) showed higher predictability and safety compared to RK, thus for a long time PRK became the gold standard [ 4 , 5 ]. Wound healing issues following the use of early laser technology necessitated the development of other methods, such as