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Early medieval finds from the delta of the Don – an attempt at identifying the earliest group of the masque type belt mounts in the Eastern European steppe
Kora középkori leletek a Don deltájából – Kísérlet a Kelet-európai sztyeppéről származó maszkos veretek legkorábbi csoportjának meghatározására
Lower Volga Basin belong to this group from the Sivashovka type burials. Regarding their style, the belt fittings from “Belovod’e” have not good analogies from the North-Caucasus or the North Pontic region. Thus, even the exact site of the finds is not
; Reardon et al., 2006 ). Analysis of the spatial distribution of the ECB in Europe (North Caucasus) revealed a fundamentally similar pattern of mating aggregations ( Frolov and Trishkin, 1992 ). Thus, mating of the ECB is preceded by the concentration of
Graves of the early medieval nomads from the eastern Azov region
Kora középkori nomád temetkezések az Azovi-tenger keleti partvidékéről
Evropy v epohu srednevekovia , 5 : 55 – 72 . Belinskij , A.B. and Härke , H. ( 2018 ). Ritual, society and population at Klin-Yar (North Caucasus). Excavations 1994–1996 in the Iron Age to early medieval cemetery . Vol. 36 . Archäologie in
. , V.V. Silantiev 1991 : New crustacean coprolites from the Upper Paleocene of North Caucasus . – Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich , 37 , pp. 75 – 82
. Belinskij , A.B. , and Härke , H. ( 2018 ). Ritual, society and population at Klin-Yar (North Caucasus): Excavations 1994–1996 in the Iron Age to early