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design or intention of doing; A II 2 c. acc., give up as hopeless or desperate; Sophocles s. v. to give up in despair. 19 Vö. Sophocles 1066 s. v. deliverance, safety. 20 Chalkokondylés a bizánci historiográfiai gyakorlatnak megfelelően a tulajdonnevek

Open access

became the common procedure, which gave rise to the conceptual distinction of written and unwritten laws. The oldest such reference to unwritten law is preserved in Sophocles' Antigone (454–455), where Antigone sets ‘the unwritten and unfailing statutes

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–6 ), 425 – 446 . 10.1007/s11159-004-4616-9 Osofu-Appiah , L. H. ( 1976 ). Sophocles Antigone

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) haragjára. 22 Vö. Vernant: i. m . (4. j.) 124. 23 Vö. A.-B. Renger: Oedipus and the Sphinx. The Threshold Myth from Sophocles through Freud to Cocteau . Chicago – London (2013) 44. 24 A drámában Kreón és a nép (a Kar) képviselik a megfelelően józan

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1 Introduction The self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) is a ubiquitous concept surrounding us in everyday life and research. We can find it in art and literature (e.g. Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex; Shakespeare’s Macbeth

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