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Orvosi Hetilap
András Szarka
Gábor Bánhegyi
, and
Balázs Sümegi

abundant and cause functional impairment in aged human substantia nigra neurons. Nat. Genet., 2006, 38 (5), 518–520. Mattson, M. P., Magnus, T.: Ageing and neuronal vulnerability. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 2006, 7 (4

Open access
Physiology International
N. Almási
Z. Murlasits
A. Al-awar
Á. Csonka
S. Dvorácskó
C. Tömböly
S. Török
D. Bester
A. Pósa
C. Varga
, and
K. Kupai

PMCID: PMCPMC3679661 . 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5457-12.2013 54. Keating C , Nocchi L , Yu Y , Donovan J , Grundy D . Ageing and gastrointestinal sensory function: altered colonic mechanosensory and chemosensory function in the aged mouse . The

Open access

Introduction The aging of the skin not only causes structural and subsequent physiological changes to the skin but also leads to the development of benign and malignant tumours in elderly people. The most

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Katalin Leiszter
Orsolya Galamb
Ferenc Sipos
Kinga Tóth
Gábor Valcz
V. Árpád Patai
Jeannette Molnár
Béla Molnár
, and
Zsolt Tulassay

proliferation and decreased apoptosis in the colonic mucosa. Mech. Ageing Dev., 2001, 122 , 1849–1864. Jaszewski R. Aging is associated with increased proliferation and decreased

Open access

Introduction Ageing is a common problem of modern societies, although ocular ageing starts earlier than physiological one. Ocular ageing problems start around the age of 45 with presbyopia. As years pass by, more and

Open access

eyes, cataracts, vitreous floaters, and age-related macular degeneration. Industrialised nations are ageing societies with a rapidly growing proportion of people over age 65, and in many countries, this is the fastest-growing segment of society

Open access

chronic illnesses, it showed ageing as a natural process. The definition and medicalization of old age have previously resulted in the second half of life being the age of various illnesses, and death was a medical failure factor. Elderly people were

Open access

markers and leg muscle size. Mech. Ageing Dev., 2013, 134 (11–12), 531–540. Bouzid, M. A., Hammouda, O., Matran, R., et al.: Low intensity aerobic exercise and oxidative stress markers in older adults. J. Aging Phys

Open access

life expectancy is greatly increased, the population pyramid is described with a rectangular shape [ 2 ]. The ageing causes many physiological changes in the skin. According to the WHO classification, old age from the age of 75, but also

Open access

study on ageing, and one was a cross-sectional study. The included studies cover areas of three continents (Europe, Asia, and North America) ( Fig. 2 ). The samples of most studies come from the population of older adults (aged older than 55 years

Open access