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Az avar centrum és a bizánci periféria •
Mediterráneumi eredetű alakos motívumok a késő avar díszítőművészetben a Kr. u. 8. században
The Avar centre and the Byzantine periphery: Mediterranean figural motifs in late Avar ornamental art from 8th century AD
ornamental vocabulary of the tenth century in the Carpathian Basin. Form-historical studies in the decorative arts of the Hungarian Conquest Period) . MTA BTK Régészeti Intézet , Budapest . Bollók , Á. ( 2016 ). Rediscovering antiquities and Reviving the
retrograde steps the abolition of the Dance Department and the transfer of both collecting work and the film archive to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 3 . The success story of the 1970s was the burgeoning of the amateur decorative arts and folk art
Department of Folk Art of the Institute to monitor and assist the professional activities of cottage industry cooperatives engaged in decorative arts ( Sándor 2021 :344–346). Thus, as part of the professional supervision, the Institute of Folk Art provided
. század eleje). Kultúrtörténeti tanulmányok – The plant ornament in the decorative arts of the Late Avar Period . Magyarságkutató Intézet kiadványai 3 . Budapest
Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszék , Szeged , pp. 711 – 714 . Szenthe , G. ( 2020 ). Növényi ornamentika a késő avar kori díszítőművészetben (Kr. u. 8. század – 9. század eleje) (The plant ornament in the decorative arts of the late Avar period) . A
Social Change, Dress and Identity
Observations on the Disintegration of Peasant Culture as Exemplified by Rural Women’s Clothing in Hungary from the First World War to the End of the Kádár Era Socialism
and art activity, balanced, harmonious compositions, and the use of clear, basic colors. Variability, diversity, and creativity in every branch of the decorative arts and folklore led to regionalization. 16 Many local styles were elaborated. Almost