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indicates the awareness of soil science as a natural resource on which our life depends ( VAN BAREN et al., 2000 ; HARTEMINK, 2015a ). With 200 years of study in soil science as a discipline with the help of IUSS and other international organisations, the
. Construction and Building Materials . 24 . ( 2 ) 171 – 180 . ISO , 2014 . ISO 22262–2:2014 Air quality–Bulk materials–Part 2: Quantitative determination of asbestos by gravimetric and microscopical methods . International Organisation for Standardisation
A talajspektrális könyvtárak nemzetközi jelentősége és hazai megalapozása
The international importance and national establishment of soil spectral libraries
Capacities . Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Rome BEN-DOR , E ., PIMSTEIN , A ., NOTESCO , G ., 2010 . Variation and stability of soil reflectance measurements with different ASD spectrometers under different conditions . In
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , Rome .
organization , Rome . K ārkliņš , A. , G emste , I. , M ežals , H. , N ikodemus , O. and S kujans , R. ( 2009 ) Latvijas augšņu noteicējs (Taxonomy of Latvian soils) , LLU
material – Method by sieving and sedimentation . International Organization for Standarization , Geneva, Switzerland . ISO/DIS 11277 : 1994 . Soil quality; determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil
A talajok aggregátum-stabilitásának vizsgálati lehetőségei I. Makroaggregátum-stabilitás
Determination of soil aggregate stability I. Macro-aggregate stability
10930 : 2012 . Soil Quality–Measurement Of The Stabilty Of Soil Aggregates Subjected To The Action Of Water. International Organization For Standarization , Geneva, Switzerland. Jakab , G ., Dobos , E ., Madarász , B ., Szalai , Z . & Szabó