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and sensory analysis ( Matos and Rosell, 2012 ) 2013 Investigation of 2 commercial GF flour mixtures with HPMC and buckwheat addition ( Mariotti et al., 2013 ) 2014 Analyzing the in vitro starch digestibility of five GF breads and commercial GF sample

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Attila Gere
Abdul Hannan Bin Zulkarnain
Dorina Szakál
Orsolya Fehér
, and
Zoltán Kókai

sensory analysis (in booth environment). Consumer preference is influenced by its intrinsic (e.g. colour, taste and smell) and extrinsic factors (e.g. packaging, nutritional label and ingredient list). This experiment was conducted by involving two

Open access

Introduction Sensory analysis methods of food and beverage products might be classified many ways. A possible methodological distinction is related to the outcome of the tests: discrimination or characterization of the samples. During the evolvement

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Katalin Badak-Kerti
Viktória Zsom-Muha
Tamás Zsom
Dávid Nagy
, and
József Felföldi

.1016/0260-8774(82)90013-9 Salvador , A. , Varela , P. , Sanz , T. , and Fiszman , S.M. ( 2009 ). Understanding potato chips crispy texture by simultaneous fracture and acoustic measurements, and sensory analysis . LWT – Food Science and Technology , 42 : 763 – 767 . 10

Open access

.5 Energy, kcal 100 g −1 227 213 179 179 A total of four samples (20, 40 and 60% fat reduction, and the control) were subjected to sensory analysis over a period of 7 days. The samples with 40% and 20% substituted fat received a score above 6 (“like it a

Open access
Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Richard Pinter
Evelin Molnar
Khabat N. Hussein
Adrienn Toth
Laszlo Friedrich
, and
Klara Pasztor-Huszar

analyzed according to the Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus, 1986 3640/4-86 Hungarian standard using TGE agar, with 48 h incubation period at 30 °C. Sensory analysis The roasted samples were analyzed only in a subjective way by the authors, and described by

Open access

test results of gradient ( F MAX / D MAX ) and distance ( D MAX ) ( P = 0.05) Table 3. TukeyHSD test results of maximum rupture force ( F MAX ) and area ( A ) ( P = 0.05) During the sensory analysis all judges tested all 6 products ( Fig. 2 ). Fig. 3

Open access

validated by a sensory analysis according to the GSP, because high salt content of blood plasma powder can cause non-compliances beside inadequate fillings or flavouring. Salted caramel, salted hazelnut and salted chocolate flavouring are especially adequate

Open access