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References Andrés-Roqueta , Clara and Napoleon Katsos . 2017 . The contribution of grammar, vocabulary and theory of mind in pragmatic language competence in children with autistic spectrum disorders . Frontiers in Psychology 8. 996

Full access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Elodie Hurel
Gaëlle Challet-Bouju
Marion Chirio-Espitalier
Malory Vincent
, and
Marie Grall-Bronnec

highlighted a micro-deletion non-indexed in databases, the pathogenicity of which is uncertain. At the same time, neuropsychological evaluation excluded intellectual disability and showed difficulties in an advanced theory of mind task (the Reading the Mind in

Open access

In this paper I review some of the theoretical issues surrounding metaphor, investigating the understanding of metaphor-based constructions from a developmental psycholinguistic view. Reviewing the classification of metaphorical expressions, I elaborate on the morphological aspect of idioms; thus on the typology of metaphors, distinguishing them on the basis of their decomposability and conventionality (Gibbs 1994). I hypothesize a new, mentalistic model of interpretation, in which our mentalizing, intention-reading skills play a key role in deciphering intended (figurative) meaning. Furthermore, I point out the importance of decomposability and conventionality determining our interpretative processes; both factors playing a facilitating role in interpretation.

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A Gyermeki Viselkedés Kérdőív legrövidebb változatának (CBQ VS) magyar adaptációja

Hungarian version of the Children's Behavior Questionnaire very short form (CBQ VS)

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Éva D. Molnár
Dénes Kovács

.J. ( 2001 ). Individual differences in inhibitory control and children's theory of mind . Child Development , 72 , 1032 – 1053 . D. Molnár , É. ( 2017 ). Erőfeszítés alapú

Open access

Evési szokások magyar serdülők körében

Eating attitudes among Hungarian adolescents

Orvosi Hetilap
Dóra Siska
Melinda Cserép
, and
Brigitta Szabó

. Other Press, New York, 2002. 21 Gál Z, Egyed K, Pászthy B, et al. Impaired theory of mind in anorexia nervosa. [Tudatelméleti deficit anorexia

Open access

Az orvosi pszichológia fejlődése hazánkban: szemléleti keretek, határterületek és alkalmazások

The medical psychology in Hungary: way of thinking, frame of references and applications

Orvosi Hetilap
János Kállai
Katalin Barabás
Ferenc Túry
Márta Csabai
, and
Péter Molnár

–670. 15 Fodor JA. A theory of the child’s theory of mind. Cognition 1994; 44: 283–296. 16 Guastella AJ, Mitchell PB, Dadds MR. Oxytocin increases gaze

Open access

theory of mind in autism: a test of relevance theory. In: Cognition 48: 101-19. Communicative competence and theory of mind in autism: a test of relevance theory Cognition

Full access

. C. , & Kessel , D. E. ( 2008 ). Religiousness and infidelity: Attendance, but not faith and prayer, predict marital fidelity . Journal of Marriage and Family , 70 , 407 – 418 . Baron-Cohen , S. ( 1995 ). Theory of mind and face

Open access

Oldershaw, A., Hambrook, D., Tchanturia, K., et al.: Emotional theory of mind and emotional awareness in recovered anorexia nervosa patients. Psychosom. Med., 2010, 72 , 73–79. Tchanturia K

Open access

A komputer által létrehozott virtuális valóság pszichológiai mechanizmusai: téri reprezentációs sajátosságok

Psychological mechanism in computer generated virtual reality: spatial representation features

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
János Kállai

). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory . Prentice-Hall, Inc . Baron-Cohen , S. ( 2001 ). Theory of mind in normal development and autism

Open access