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References Andrés-Roqueta , Clara and Napoleon Katsos . 2017 . The contribution of grammar, vocabulary and theory of mind in pragmatic language competence in children with autistic spectrum disorders . Frontiers in Psychology 8. 996

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In this paper I review some of the theoretical issues surrounding metaphor, investigating the understanding of metaphor-based constructions from a developmental psycholinguistic view. Reviewing the classification of metaphorical expressions, I elaborate on the morphological aspect of idioms; thus on the typology of metaphors, distinguishing them on the basis of their decomposability and conventionality (Gibbs 1994). I hypothesize a new, mentalistic model of interpretation, in which our mentalizing, intention-reading skills play a key role in deciphering intended (figurative) meaning. Furthermore, I point out the importance of decomposability and conventionality determining our interpretative processes; both factors playing a facilitating role in interpretation.

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theory of mind in autism: a test of relevance theory. In: Cognition 48: 101-19. Communicative competence and theory of mind in autism: a test of relevance theory Cognition

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. Leslie , Allan M . 1987 . Pretense and representation: Origins of a “theory of mind” . Psychological Review 94 . 412 – 426 . Lorenz , Konrad . 1941 / 1962

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