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new factors in studying the area. For instance, innovative and employee-friendly companies have introduced measures and programmes to improve the satisfaction and health of employees. These so-called well-being programmes reduce work-related stress

Open access

1 Introduction The therapeutic and the treatment spaces must provide not only medical care but also a suitable environment that guarantees the comfort and well-being of patients during their stay there. The sense of well-being is defined as a result

Open access

] Kajtár L. , Leitner A. ( 2007 ), High Quality Thermal Environment by Chilled Ceiling in Office Building . 9th REHVA World Congress Clima “Well-Being Indoors” , Helsinki , 6 p. [8

Open access

on occupant well-being and comfort: A review of the literature . International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment , 5 ( 1 ), 1 – 11 . [2] Kalmár F

Open access
International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Norbert Novák
Péter Miklós Kőmíves
Mónika Harangi-Rákos
, and
Károly Pető

countryside where people can live their life in harmony with nature – or at least they have the possibility. The concept of environmental limits always has to be kept in mind [ 33 ]. In the Western world two different targets are assigned: the well-being as a

Open access

Inside the Mind and Heart of Homo Aedificator

Towards Revealing the Psychological Meaning of Historic Buildings and Sites

Hogyan Észleli Környezetét A Homo Aedificator?

A Műemlékek Pszichológiai Jelentésének Feltárása Felé
Építés - Építészettudomány
Barbara Fogarasi
Andrea Dúll

, and Knowing. Toward an Ecological Psychology . Eds.: Show , R . – Bransford , J . Lawrence , Erlbaum , Hillsdale 1977 . 43 – 66 . Mayes,Thompson , M .: Why Old Places Matter – How Historic Places Affect Our Identity and Well- Being

Open access

systems introduced to create, store and distribute information [ 6 ]. IT is the fastest provider of information as and when decision is needed to be taken by management for the well-being of the organization [ 2 ]. Management acceptance to use IT greatly

Open access

not only reduces the frequency of invasive procedures but also contributes to patient safety and well-being. The multidirectional harvesting approach enhances the adaptability of pacemakers to various physiological movements, ensuring consistent and

Open access

of the respondents mentioned the joy of sport as the main motivating factor, 61% mentioned well-being and 58% good physical appearance. One fifth of the young people regularly exercising aim to lose weight, and 39% consider sports as a community

Open access

and thus sustainably increase social welfare. However, the growth of digitalization alone is not enough to increase social well-being. It must be accompanied by developing new employee competencies, virtual reality, and cooperation networks. It is also

Open access