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Mature fields have been playing a significant role in the oil and gas realm recently, and redevelopment and optimization efforts are being made globally to prolong the lifetime of these resources. The aim of this study is to showcase the benefits of hydrocarbon reservoir modelling, with a special focus on various aspects of Petrel workflows.

This article is a direct continuation of Nemes et al. (2021), which described the Phase 1 geomodel of the same field described in this study. The Phase 2 geomodel – the scope of the current article – is based on a significantly more complete, more detailed, and fundamentally rebuilt dataset compared to Phase 1. The seismic and petrophysical interpretations were updated, and additional data sources were incorporated into the analysis.

The geomodel was created in Schlumberger's Petrel software, and during the building of it, a comprehensive 800-plus-step, full-cycle, automated workflow was outlined. The created workflow makes the model update faster by a minimum of five times, makes it more transparent and decreases the risk of human error.

The created workflow describes the entire geomodelling process from data loading, via surface adjustments, structural modelling, and property modelling, to a closing of the loop with volumetric calculation. The whole workflow can be rerun easily, and beside the updates made to the geomodel, a full range of quality-check supporting calculations and visualizations were created in order to provide the user with full control.

The geomodel showcased here is a key building block of the ongoing and planned development and redevelopment activities in the field, serves as a tool for well and workover planning, water injection system adjustments and a direct input to dynamic simulation, and also provides direct inputs to the documentation of an updated field development plan.

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The paper presents a study of a Lower Carboniferous (Visean) clastic sequence commonly called Bobrikovsky Formation, deposited in the Volga-Ural Petroleum Province, Orenburg Region. Our investigation included sedimentological description of core samples from hydrocarbon wells and well log correlations. Facies were identified by well log patterns and calibrated by core sedimentology. The Bobrikovsky Formation is proposed to be interpreted as an overall transgressive-regressive succession in a nearshore-tidal environment. Transgressive lagoon-estuary and barrier island facies became regressional lagoon fill-type settings.

Open access


Due to the global oil price crisis in 2014, one of the MOL's preventive/reactive measures was to identify geologically or commercially risky elements within their portfolio. This involved reevaluation of all geologic data from Field A in the Volga-Urals Basin. In re-evaluating Field A, several unexpected challenges, problems and pitfalls were faced by the interdisciplinary team performing the task of building a new database, quality checking, and interpreting data dating back to 1947. To overcome these challenges related to this mature field, new approaches and fit-for-purpose methods were required in order to achieve the overall goal of obtaining a reliable estimation of remaining hydrocarbon potential. In the first phase a first-pass 3D geologic model was constructed, along with wrangling, cleaning and interpreting 70 years of subsurface data. This paper focuses on the main challenges involved in evaluating or reevaluating reservoir aspects of a mature field.

The primary challenges were related to the estimation of remaining in-place hydrocarbon volumes, the optimization of infill well placement, the identification of primary and secondary well targets, the identification of critical data gaps, and the planning of new data acquisitions. The hands-on experience gained during the development of the geologic model provided invaluable information for the next steps needed in the redevelopment of the field.

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A fejet, orr területét frontális irányból érő drasztikus erőbehatás következtében létrejött nasoethmoid-orbitalis (NEO) törések gyakran kombinálódnak az arcközép és a frontobázis töréseivel, szemsérülésekkel. A diszlokált orrképletek az intraorbitalis régióba nyomódnak és súlyos szövődményeket (nasalis liquorrhoea, nervus opticus laesio, diplopia, telecanthus, anosmia) okoznak. Műtéti ellátásuk speciális team (arc-, állcsontsebész, idegsebész, szemész, fül-orr-gégész) összehangolt munkáját igénylő feladat. Az ellátás kulcsa a minden esetben érintett nasoethmoid-orbitalis csontstruktúra. A nasalis liquorrhoea megszüntetésének alapvető feltétele a mobilis nasoethmoid fragmentumok, arcközép stabilizálása és durasérülések vízmentes zárása vagy plasztikája. Gyakorlatunkban a törések repozícióját és titán minilemezes osteosynthesisét alkalmazzuk, csonthiány esetén autológ csont beültetésével kiegészítve. Az 1995–2000 közötti években 50, NEO-törést szenvedett sérültet kezeltünk kórházunk arc-, állcsontsebészeti osztályán. Közleményünkben beszámolunk a lehetséges sérüléskombinációkról, műtéti módszereinkről, ellátási taktikánkról és tapasztalatainkról. Az arc- és koponyacsontok többszörös és defekttörései maradandó deformitást, rágási és táplálkozási zavart okozhatnak. Munkánk során törekedtünk a sérültek korai, primer, definitív ellátására, esztétikai szempontok figyelembevételével, korszerű csontrögzítő és csontpótló műtéti módszerek alkalmazásával. Alapvető célunk a betegek műtéti megterhelésének, ápolási idejének csökkentése, műtéti eredményeink javítása.

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
István Szabó
Tamás Molnár
Imre Nemes
Tamás Abonyi
Zsolt Terjék
, and
Ádám Bálint

Eradication of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) from the pig population of Hungary started in 2014 on the basis of the territorial principle. In order to reach this goal it was crucial to render each fattening unit free of this disease, since fattening units play a significant role in spreading the virus all over the country. In 2015, 188 out of 307 large-scale fattening farms (61.2%) kept PRRS-positive animals. The main source of infection of these farms was the import of PRRS-infected fattening pigs. The following methods were used during the eradication from 2017: (1) Only pigs coming from PRRS-free farms were allowed to be used for fattening in Hungary; (2) Quarantine of all herds for 60 days; (3) PCR test for PRRS 48 hours after the arrival of the prefattening animals; (4) Serological test for PRRS at the end of the quarantine period. If any diagnostic test gave even one positive result and the result was confirmed by another test, the stock had to be sold for slaughter within 15 days or placed outside Hungary, so that the infected stock would not compromise the PRRS status of that area. PRRSV eradication on large-scale fattening units applying all-in/all-out operation was relatively simple, using the depopulation-repopulation method. On permanently operating farms, the infected herd was sold from time to time, without having to be repopulated until the last delivery. After cleaning, disinfection and restocking, the repopulation was done with PRRS-free animals. As the eradication progressed over the years, a ban on the import of infected fattening pigs was imposed. As a consequence of these measures, by the end of 2018, Hungarian large-scale fattening farms became free of PRRS. Maintaining the national-level PRRS-free status of large-scale pig fattening units contributes to eliminating a significant cost factor from the Hungarian pork production industry, and opens the way for a significant reduction in antibiotic consumption as well.

Open access
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Imre Nemes
Tamás Molnár
Tamás Abonyi
Zsolt Terjék
Ádám Bálint
, and
István Szabó

In the EU Member States with a traditionally significant pig industry, the prevalence of PRRS infections is high. Therefore, the Pig Strategy of the Government of Hungary prioritises eradication of PRRSV in Hungary. For the first time among the EU Member States, a National PRRS Eradication Programme was introduced in order to reach a more efficient, economical and competitive international market position. Although its significance has decreased in recent decades, 20% of the Hungarian pig population is still kept on small-scale (backyard) farms (< 100 animals). The prevalence of PRRSV in backyard farms was 3.9% at the beginning of the programme. The present paper details the measures applied during the different phases of the programme in backyard farms. During all the phases, serological testing of the breeding animals of the registered small-scale herds was performed, including the highest number of individual animals. Seropositive individuals were tested by PCR and were removed from the backyard farm within the framework of official measures. By sequencing the identified PRRS strains, the possible epidemic relationships between small-scale and large-scale farms were continuously monitored. As a result of the programme, PRRS-free status of the small-scale herds was achieved by the end of 2015, and this status was maintained in 2016-2018.

Open access
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
István Szabó
Lajos Bognár
Tamás Molnár
Imre Nemes
, and
Ádám Bálint


Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) causes significant losses to the swine industry worldwide, which leads to launching eradication programmes. The PRRS eradication programme in Hungary is based on the territorial principle, and it is obligatory for each swine farm irrespective of the number of animals kept there. Hungary has an exceptionally large herd size in large-scale pig farms. Large fattening farms operate as all-in/all-out or continuous flow systems. The large-scale breeding herds are predominantly farrow-to-finish types. In large-scale breeding farms, PRRS eradication was carried out by the depopulation-repopulation method in 33 farms, of which 23 received state compensation, 18 farm units either finished production or changed to producing fatteners only. Two farms used the test and removal method for eradication. One farm was classified as ‘vaccinated free’. At this farm the breeding animals are vaccinated continuously but there is no vaccination of the progeny at any age, and the PRRS-free status of the farm is strictly controlled and monitored. By 31 December 2019, all pigs in five euroregions of Hungary had become free from PRRS virus, while the PRRS eradication process is still ongoing in the remaining two regions.

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Nóra Ambrus
Kálmán Havasi
Krisztina Berek
Anita Kalapos
István Hartyánszky
Gábor Bogáts
Tamás Forster
, and
Attila Nemes


Bevezetés: Krónikus szívelégtelenségben és congenitalis szívbetegségekben etiológiától függetlenül igazolták a B-típusú natriureticus peptid (BNP)-szint prognosztikai szerepét is. Célkitűzés: A jelen vizsgálat célja a klinikai rutinban mérhető N-terminális pro-B natriureticus peptid (NT-proBNP) és a fontosabb klinikai és echokardiográfiás paraméterek összehasonlítása volt az általunk gondozott felnőtt korú congenitalis szívbetegekben. Módszer: Összesen 70 beteg adatait dolgoztuk fel. A diagnózis 34 betegnél korrigált Fallot‑tetralógia és 19 esetben korrigált teljes nagyér-transzpozíció volt. Tizenhét esetben egyéb congenitalis vitiumos beteg tartozott a vizsgálati csoportba. Valamennyi esetben ambuláns vizsgálat történt elektrokardiográfiával, echokardiográfiával és NT‑proBNP-méréssel kiegészítve. Meghatároztuk a szívelégtelenség New York Heart Association (NYHA) szerinti stádiumát, és a betegek az életminőségükkel kapcsolatos kérdőívet is kitöltötték. Eredmények: A magasabb NT‑proBNP-szint rosszabb életminőséggel (visual analogue scale, VAS) és nagyobb jobb kamrai végdiasztolés átmérővel járt együtt, és az arrhythmiák előfordulása is magasabb volt. Negatív korreláció volt igazolható az NT‑proBNP-szint és a betegek VAS-pontszáma (r = –0,45, p = 0,0001), valamint a bal kamrai ejekciós frakció (BK-EF) között (r = –0,67, p<0,0001). A ROC-analízis során az NT‑proBNP≥668 pg/ml-t találtuk a legnagyobb pontosságú határértéknek a NYHA III–IV. stádium előrejelzésében (szenzitivitás 93%, specificitás 63%, görbe alatti terület 80%, p = 0,001). Hasonlóan, az NT‑proBNP≥184,7 pg/ml-t találtuk a legnagyobb pontosságúnak az 55%-nál kisebb BK-EF előrejelzésében (szenzitivitás 66%, specificitás 67%, görbe alatti terület 77%, p = 0,02). Következtetések: Az NT-proBNP-nek jelentősége van a felnőtt korú komplex congenitalis szívbetegséggel bíró betegek megítélésében, prognózisuk meghatározásában, és a betegek utánkövetésére alkalmazott egyéb vizsgálómódszerek mellett segíthet a reoperáció vagy az esetleges szívtranszplantáció idejének kiválasztásában. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(4): 141–148.

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