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Part One of this study summarizes the general view of poverty since the political regime changed, and the practical consequences. The previous regime's denial and hiding of the poverty issue has had several effects. One is that poverty is considered foreign to the system, simply the fallout of economic crisis, and therefore transitional. The belief in its transitional nature has covered up the difference between mass impoverishment and lasting poverty, which always existed, is becoming increasingly serious, and can easily escalate into permanent exclusion. The need to dismantle an overcentralized state is a major reason why the poverty problem has not been understood. Public expenditure can be reduced with little resistance if only those 'who really need it' are assisted. This policy suggests that poverty is 'accidental' and individualized, and that the victims can be blamed. Another, more practical consequence has been the segregating effect of separate institutional poverty management. Institutional reforms have created a huge network of nature of poverty has thus been hidden under the guise of individualization as well as by transferring management to small communities. At the same time, these measures have anchored lines of demarcation between mainstream society and the poor. Part Two of the study focuses on the internal stratification of the poor. The result of impoverishment is that there is now a mass of income-poor people (retirees, low-income families, parents of young children), whose problems are 'only' ones of distribution. Since their bonds to mainstream society have not been fatally injured, their situation could be resolved with money and economic expansion. The other group of the poor is the long-standing, extremely poor. They are in a consolidated state of poverty from which escape is almost impossible. As individuals, people without families, or whose families are in a state of collapse, are in particularly dire situations. Others, who are unskilled and come from less competitive strata and have been driven off the increasingly limited labor market to lock themselves into the underground economy, are in a similarly ominous position. There are also two groups that are collectively poor. It is almost impossible to break out of tiny pockets of isolated settlements and of regions particularly depressed by mass unemployment. The other collective is made up of the victims of the dead-end of forced assimilation, primarily the Roma poor which make up 60-80 per cent of the Gypsy population.

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Kiégés a magyar fogorvosok körében

Burnout among Hungarian dentists

Orvosi Hetilap
Eszter Szalai
Júlia Hallgató
Péter Kunovszki
, and
Zsuzsanna Tóth

Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A kiégés jelensége fokozottan érinti az egészségügyi dolgozókat, a nagyfokú stressz, a folyamatos fizikai és emocionális megterhelés miatt. A kiégés mérését fogorvosok körében végeztük, mivel Magyarországon még nem készült csak fogorvosokat mérő keresztmetszeti vizsgálat. Célkitűzés: Elsődleges célunk a fogorvosi kiégés előfordulásának, súlyosságának mérése, a rizikófaktorok kiszűrése volt. Másodlagos célul a kiégés veszélyére való figyelem felkeltését tűztük ki az érintett csoportban. Módszer: Az adatgyűjtés a ’Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey’ 22 tételes magyar, validált változatával történt online formában. Eredmények: Online kérdőívünket 407 fogorvos töltötte ki. A következő eredményeket kaptuk: az emocionális kimerülés esetében a válaszadók 20%-a (81 fő) tartozik a magas kategóriába, a cinizmus dimenziójának esetében a válaszadók 17,5%-át (70 fő) jellemzi a magas pontszám. A teljesítményvesztés magas dimenziója a minta 75%-ában (302 fő) volt igazolható. Szignifikáns (p≤0,05) védőfaktornak találtuk a harmonikus kollegiális viszonyt, a hobbi meglétét, a 2–4 óra napi munkát, a támogató otthoni és munkahelyi légkört, az egészségi probléma és a saját vállalkozás hiányát. Szignifikáns negatív eltérést 6–10 éve dolgozó férfiak körében találtunk. Következtetés: Az eredmények felhívják a figyelmet a legfontosabb protektív tényezőkre, melyek segítségével csökkenthető a kiégés mértéke. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(11): 419–424.

Summary. Introduction: Burnout has an increased impact on healthcare workers due to severe stress, constant physical and emotional strain. Burnout was measured among dentists, as no such cross-sectional study has been made in Hungary. Objective: Our primary goal was to measure the incidence and severity of dental burnout and to screen for the risk factors. Our secondary goal was to raise awareness of the risk of burnout in the affected group. Method: Data collection was performed online with the 22-item Hungarian validated version of Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey. Results: 407 dentists completed our online questionnaire. The following results were obtained: in the case of emotional exhaustion, 20% of the respondents belong to the high category, in the cynicism dimension, 17.5% of the respondents have high scores. The high dimension of performance loss is typical in 75% of the sample. We found that harmonious collegial relationships, the existence of a hobby, 2–4 hours of daily work, a supportive home and work atmosphere, the lack of health problems and self-employment are significant (p≤0.05) protective factors. Significant negative differences were found among men who had been working for 6–10 years. Conclusion: The results draw attention to the most important protective factors that can help reduce the rate of burnout. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(11): 419–424.

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