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- Author or Editor: Judit Kormos x
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The study reported in the paper investigates the structure of L2 self-corrections in the speech of 30 Hungarian learners of English and 10 Hungarian native speakers. The aim of the research is to examine what the well-formedness of the corrections, the use of editing terms, the placement of cut-off points and the effect of the participants' level of proficiency on the structure of self-repairs reveal about the psycholinguistic processes of speech production. The results of the study lend additional support for modular models of speech production (e.g., Levelt 1983, 1989; Levelt et al. 1999) and reveal an important role of pragmatic constraints in psycholinguistic processing.
A nyelvtanulás sikerében legfontosabb szerepet játszó két kognitív változó a nyelvérzék és a munkamemória. Kutatásunk a verbális munkamemória, a nyelvérzék és a nyelvtudás kapcsolatát vizsgálja egy budapesti két tannyelvű gimnázium (angol) nyelvi előkészítő évfolyamának diákjai között. A nyelvérzék komponensei közül az idegen nyelvi szabályok felismerésének képessége mutatta a legjelentősebb kapcsolatot az idegen nyelvi teljesítménnyel. A verbális munkamemória terjedelem közepesen erős kapcsolatban állt az elsajátított idegen nyelvi szókinccsel és nyelvtani tudással, valamint az idegen nyelvi beszéd folyékonyságával. Eredményeink alapján azt feltételezzük, hogy a verbális munkamemória nemcsak az idegen nyelvi szavak, illetve a nyelvi elemek sorrendjének megtanulásában játszik szerepet, hanem abban is, hogy a megszerzett tudást a nyelvtanuló sikeresen elő tudja hívni, és hogy a figyelmét hatékonyan tudja megosztani a tartalmi tervezés és a nyelvi kivitelezés között. Kutatásunkban nem találtunk összefüggést a nyelvérzék és a verbális munkamemória terjedelem között, amely azt jelzi, hogy e két változó egymástól függetlenül járul hozzá a nyelvtanulás sikeréhez.
Agrochemicals and veterinary products must undergo numerous toxicological tests before registration. The use of animals in these studies is a controversial issue. The Draize eye irritation test is one of the most criticised methods because of the injuries inflicted on the test animals. Several in vitro methods have been used to investigate the toxicity of potential eye irritants with a view to replacing in vivo eye irritation testing. One of these alternative methods is the Hen’s Egg Test — Chorioallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM) test. In the present studies comparative screening was performed with a set of agrochemicals to establish parallel data on in vitro (HET-CAM) and in vivo (Draize) results. The examined materials were: Totril (ioxynil), Omite 57 E (propargit), Actellic 50 EC (pyrimiphos-methyl), Stomp 330 EC (pendimethalin), Mospilan 3 EC (acetamiprid), Alirox 80 EC (EPTC), Match 050 EC (lufenuron), Nonit (dioctyl sulphosuccinate sodium), Perenal (haloxyfop-R methyl ester), Pyrinex 48 EC (chlorpyrifos). These experiments showed good correlation between results obtained by the HET-CAM test and those of the Draize rabbit eye test in most cases. The present form of the HET-CAM test can be proposed as a pre-screening method for the determination of eye irritative potential, therefore the number of test animals can be reduced and/or experimental animals can be replaced.
The increased supply and the demand-driven explosion of global health care costs threaten the sustainability of health care services, mandating optimisation of cost-efficiency via health policy. As of July 1 2006, preventive-curative health care has been reimbursed using a centralised, closed prospective method; thus Hungarian health care providers operate budgets allocated through macro, mezzo or micro-level allocation mechanisms. Lacking sufficient incentives for patient care on the lowest level of care, production efficiency is the only tool left to increase efficiency. Nonetheless, one of the bigger challenges of the twenty-first century is managing chronic diseases that mandate continuous complex care encompassing all levels of care and the optimisation of patient referral methods. However, current allocation mechanisms have not yet reflected this paradigm shift. The paper discusses how capitation financing, by providing strict budgetary constraints, a framework for local political goals and enhancing allocation efficiency, could be a proper tool for optimising both allocation and production efficiency. Moreover, we propose that given the theoretical and legal framework of gate-keeping and the organisation of patient care by primary care physicians in Hungary, vertical allocation and horizontal production efficiency may be established by strengthening a primary care system that is reimbursed through complete capitation financing.