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- Author or Editor: Attila Vörös x
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The diversity dynamics of the Anisian ammonoids is analyzed in terms of generic richness and turnover rates in one North American (Nevada) and two western Tethyan (Eastern Lombardy, Balaton Highland) regions. Two pulses of diversification are outlined: one in the middle Anisian (Pelsonian) and another near the end of the late Anisian (late Illyrian). The Pelsonian global diversification is interpreted as an effect of global sea-level rise. In the early late Anisian the ammonoid generic richness definitely decreased both in the western Tethys and in Nevada. The latest Anisian peak of ammonoid diversity was low in Nevada, which is explained by the uniform local sedimentary environment and the absence of major global changes. In the western Tethys the late Illyrian diversity peak was very prominent: ammonoid generic richness, turnover and proportion of originations were very high. This explosive peak is interpreted in terms of major changes of two regional environmental factors: coeval volcanic activity and the control of nearby carbonate platforms. The late Illyrian volcanic ash falls provoked a dramatic increase of ammonoid generic richness by fertilization, i.e. supplying nutrients and iron, thus increasing primary productivity in the ocean. Carbonate platform margins offered diverse habitats with new, empty niches; the microbial mats supplied suspended organic matter for the higher trophic levels and eventually the ammonoids. In the western Tethyan regions platform growth re-appeared after the end-Permian crisis, and significantly increased in the late Illyrian. This was closely followed by the remarkable increase of ammonoid generic richness. Many of the genera which originated during the late Anisian seem to be ecologically connected to the platform or peri-platform environments. It is suggested that this explosive diversity peak is a manifestation of the co-evolution of the Tethyan carbonate platforms and the ammonoids.
The article briefly summarizes the history of research of the Villány Mesozoic, with a focus on the Templom-hegy at Villány, and gives short descriptions of the important outcrops of the area. The geologic sketch of the Templom-hegy and concise descriptions of the Upper Triassic Mészhegy Formation, the Pliensbachian Somssichhegy Formation and the Bathonian-Callovian Villány Formation are also given. Several sedimentary cycles were recognized in the early Mesozoic formations exposed on the Templom-hegy. From among them, three fluvio-lacustrine, fining-upward cycles in the Late Triassic and one (or possibly two), marine, fining and deepening upward in the Early Jurassic, are demonstrated and evaluated in detail. The Late Triassic and Early Jurassic cycles at Villány were deposited in a westward-tilted half-graben structure, where repeated tectonic movements were responsible for the episodic and cyclic nature of the sedimentation. The finingupward trends within the three cycles probably reflect climatic changes from humid to arid conditions. For the Middle Jurassic the paleotectonic regime changed: faulting ceased and the territory began to sink uniformly. The Mesozoic subsidence history of the Villány area has close analogies in the contemporaneous blocks of the European inner shelf domain (Helvetic, Briançonnais, (central Penninic, Czorsztyn), and High Tatric Ridges, and the Bihor Autochthon). Their shared features are intensive subsidence in the Early and Middle Triassic, followed by a long interruption of subsidence in the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic, then a renewed, rapid subsidence in the Late Jurassic. The interrupted subsidence was accompanied by erosion and formation of half-grabens, starting from the mid-Triassic. From this time on, these areas belonged to a transpression/transtension dominated zone for nearly 70 million years, until the Middle/Late Jurassic opening of the Valais-Magura oceanic belt.
The formations of the Balaton Highland provide a high-resolution record of various fossil groups (ammonoids, bivalves, brachiopods) from the Early Triassic to the Carnian, with remarkable changes in taxonomic diversity. The local data differ considerably from the gradually increasing global diversity trends of the respective fossil groups. Ammonoids are rare in the Early Triassic; during the Anisian they reach a diversity maximum and remain rather diverse until the Carnian. This is connected to the considerable deepening of the sedimentary basin in the Middle Triassic. The benthic fossil groups show almost inverse local trends. In the Early Triassic, the proliferation of bivalves largely follows the transgressive pulses in the shallow marine setting; brachiopods are represented solely by Lingula specimens. Both the bivalve and the brachiopod diversity culminate in the middle Anisian what is interpreted in terms of extensional tectonic movements: the rocky escarpments of the disintegrated carbonate platforms provided favorable biotopes for sessile benthic organisms. The benthic diversities decreased significantly in the rest of Middle Triassic, which is due to the significant deepening of the local basin floor. The benthic groups reached maximum diversity in the Carnian. This is attributed partly to the filling up and shallowing of the local basin, partly to redeposition in the course of platform progradations, carrying rich fossil shell material from the neighboring shallow marine environments to the basin. Simultaneously, the sudden increase of the humidity (“Carnian pluvial event”) created extensive river systems in the European continent; the increasing supply of organic matter was favorable for the benthos in the marine environments.
Field meeting of the I.U.G.S. Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy and IGCP Project 467 in Veszprém, Hungary
A szerzők súlyos dyspnoés, extrém pulmonalis hipertóniában és nagyfokú cor pulmonale chronicumban szenvedő, 57 éves nőbeteg esetismertetésében a pulmonalis hipertónia ritka okát mutatják be. A boncolás során bronchioloalveolaris mintázatú adenocarcinoma igazolódott, amely valamennyi tüdőlebenyt érintette. A tüdőkapui nyirokcsomókban áttét helyezkedett el. Szövettanilag az arteria pulmonalis kis ágaiban tumorsejtembólusok, intimális fibrosis, fibrinkiválás, valamint a nyirokerekben lymphangiosis carcinomatosa volt megfigyelhető. Az adenocarcinoma intrapulmonalis terjedését valószínűleg a hilusi nyirokcsomó áttétből a ductus thoracicuson keresztül létrejött izolált hematogén szórás okozta. A szerzők elemzik a tumoros betegségekhez társuló pulmonalis hipertónia kialakulásának lehetséges mechanizmusait, valamint bemutatják az arteria pulmonalisban daganatsejtek hatására kialakuló thromboticus microangiopathia kórszövettani jellegzetességeit. Rámutatnak az utóbbi differenciáldiagnosztikai jelentőségére.
Recent excavation and sampling in the upper part of the Felsőörs section (Balaton Highland, Hungary) yielded important ammonoid findings, identified as belonging to the genera Nevadites, Chieseiceras, Eoprotrachyceras and Falsanolcites. Several specimens of Chieseiceras chiesense were found in a dm-thick clay layer with limestone nodules, regarded as the equivalent of the “Chiesense Groove“ of the Bagolino and other sections in the Giudicarie area (North Italy). The immediately overlying limestone bed yielded Eoprotrachyceras cf. curionii and Falsanolcites cf. rieberi. Together these reliably prove the base of the Curionii Zone, corresponding to the base of the Ladinian Stage, the GSSP of which was recently established at Bagolino. The new data further improved the excellent correlation between the ammonoid records of the Felsőörs section and the Global Stratotype Section at Bagolino. Felsőörs may be considered the most important reference section for the Anisian to Ladinian boundary interval.
Anterograd vastagbélátmosás az incontinentia és az obstipatio kezelésének egyik lehetősége
Antegrade colonic enema is a choice for the treatment of faecal incontinence and constipation
Vannak olyan széklet-visszatartási és -kiürítési zavarok, melyek sem konzervatív, sem sebészi úton nem kezelhetők eredményesen. Ezen esetekben a beteg panaszait a vastagbél rendszeres beöntéseivel csökkenteni lehet, pseudocontinentiát lehet kialakítani. A szerzők közleményükben a colon kiürítésének egy hatékony módját mutatják be. A módszert először Malone alkalmazta 1990-ben. Az eljárás lényege, hogy az appendicostomán, illetve appendix hiánya esetén a coecumfalból kialakított neoappendicostomán keresztül anterograd bélátmosást alkalmaznak. A betegek a vékony katéter számára átjárható stomán keresztül 300–450 ml vizet fecskendeznek a bélbe, majd a folyadék beadása után rövid idővel székletet ürítenek. A módszert 12 betegen, 5 nőn és 7 férfin alkalmazták (átlagéletkor: 39 év). A beavatkozást a következő okok miatt végezték: 3 betegnél a gátizomzat denervatiója, három esetben az anus fejlődési zavara, két esetben analis trauma miatt teljes székletincontinentia alakult ki; 3 betegnél a gát beidegzési zavara incontinentia és obstipatio keveredését okozta; 2 betegnél kezelhetetlen obstipatio, illetve overflow incontinentia volt a panasz. A folyadék beadása után a székürítés minden esetben megindult, azonban a funkcionális eredmények változóak voltak. A 12 beteg közül 8 beteg elégedett volt az eredménnyel, 2 beteg javulásról számolt be, 1 esetben az eredmény rossz volt. Egy másik esetben pedig sebészi szövődmény miatt az appendicostomát nem lehetett használni. A szerzők a (neo)appendicostoma mérsékelt beszűkülését 2 esetben tapasztalták. Számottevő visszacsorgás csak 1 esetben jelentkezett. Összesítve, a módszert megfelelő betegkiválasztás után sikerrel lehet alkalmazni.
The Middle Triassic Wetterstein Limestone was investigated on the Feuerkogel, in the eastern Höllengebirge area, Austria. Cephalopod-bearing coquina interbeds consisting predominantly of orthocone cephalopods were found within the dasycladacean inner platform lagoon facies. Based on sedimentological studies the coquina beds are interpreted as storm accumulations. Dasycladacean biostratigraphic data permit assigning the studied succession to the Late Anisian-Early Ladinian interval. Ammonites of age-diagnostic value found in the coquina horizon suggest the Avisianum Subzone of the Reitzi Zone that corresponds to the upper part of the Anisian.