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Selected experiences in the control of contamination and the threat it poses to the quality of analytical date are discussed in the context of the whole analytical process from collection of marine environmental samples, through handling and radiochemical separation, to the final interpretation of results. Examples include a demonstration of the contamination introduced during sediment core sectioning, contamination of sea water by a ship's pumping system, and the effect of filtration on the apparent partitioning of radionuclides between solid and liquid phases of sea water.
The ability of the close analogue element rhenium to act as a satisfactory non-isotopic yield monitor for the analysis of99Tc in environmental materials is explored and its performance critically evaluated in a new radioanalytical method designed specifically for use with rhenium as both carrier and yield monitor. The advantages and limitations of rhenium for this purpose are compared with isotopic tracers such as99mTc,97mTc and95mTc. When employed in a well designed analytical scheme, rhenium, which has received only limited consideration in the past, is shown to be a cheap, reliable alternative to isotopic tracers.
Experiments have been carried out with well characterised laboratory solutions to establish the physico-chemical behaviour of a suite of radionuclides in the presence of humic and fulvic acids using single flat membrane ultrafilters. Because of the uncertainties associated with the methodology, an approach has been adopted using mass balance determinations to assess the performance of the ultrafiltration process and facilitate the interpretation of the fractionation data. The size distribution of radionuclide-ligand complexes are reported and the results are discussed in the context of interpreting environmental data with more confidence.
In 1977, the Low-level Working Group of the International Committee on Radionuclide Metrology met in Boston, MA (USA) to define the characteristics of a new set of environmental radioactivity reference materials. These reference materials were to provide the radiochemist with the same analytical challenges faced when assaying environmental samples. It was decided that radionuclide bearing natural materials should be collected from sites where there had been sufficient time for natural processes to redistribute the various chemically different species of the radionuclides. Over the succeeding years, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in cooperation with other highly experienced laboratories, certified and issued a number of these as low-level radioactivity Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for fission and activation product and actinide concentrations. The experience of certifying these SRMs has given NIST the opportunity to compare radioanalytical methods and learn of their limitations. NIST convened an international workshop in 1994 to define the natural-matrix radionuclide SRM needs for ocean studies. The highest priorities proposed at the workshop were for sediment, shellfish, seaweed, fish flesh and water matrix SRMs certified for mBq per sample concentrations of 90 Sr, 137 Cs and 239 Pu + 240 Pu. The most recent low-level environmental radionuclide SRM issued by NIST, Ocean Sediment (SRM 4357) has certified and uncertified values for the following 22 radionuclides: 40 K, 90 Sr, 129 I, 137 Cs, 155 Eu, 210 Pb, 210 Po, 212 Pb, 214 Bi, 226 Ra, 228 Ra, 228 Th, 230 Th, 232 Th, 234 U, 235 U, 237 Np, 238 U, 238 Pu, 239 Pu + 240 Pu, and 241 Am. The uncertainties for a number of the certified radionuclides are non-symmetrical and relatively large because of the non-normal distribution of reported values. NIST is continuing its efforts to provide the ocean studies community with additional natural matrix radionuclide SRMs. The freeze-dried shellfish flesh matrix has been prepared and recently sent to participating laboratories for analysis and we anticipate receiving radioanalytical results in 2000. The research and development work at NIST produce well characterized SRMs that provide the world's environment-studies community with an important foundation component for radionuclide metrology.