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Nagynyomású hidrogénatmoszférás kemence gyártása szénacélok elridegedésének vizsgálatához

Investigation of the embrittlement of carbon steels in a high-pressure hydrogen atmosphere

Scientia et Securitas
Balázs Varbai
Levente Katula
János Dobránszky
, and
Olivér Fodor


A hidrogén tárolása iránti igény egyre növekszik, melynek oka az, hogy a hidrogén mint alternatív energiahordozó jelentős szerepet játszik a szén-dioxidkibocsátás-csökkentési törekvésekben. Azonban, az elridegedési folyamatok körében a hidrogén által előidézett károsodások jelentik a legkomolyabb problémát az acélokra nézve. Kutatómunkánk során egy nagynyomású hidrogénatmoszférás hőkezelésre alkalmas autoklávot terveztünk, majd gyártottunk. Az autoklávban P355 NH minőségű alapanyagból kimunkált szabványos Charpy-féle ütőpróbatesteket hőkezeltünk 150 °C-on, 40 bar túlnyomáson, 200 órán keresztül, tiszta hidrogén atmoszférában. A vizsgálatok eredményei alapján megállapítottuk, hogy a jelentős mértékű elridegedés a hidrogénezési folyamat után sem történt.


The demand for hydrogen storage is growing. The primary reason for this is that hydrogen as an alternative energy carrier is playing a significant role in carbon reduction efforts as a fuel for road and maritime transport. In addition, hydrogen can be seen as a long-term flexible energy storage option. Hydrogen as an energy carrier is expected to play a significant role in residential and industrial use in the future. A first step in this development is the mixing of hydrogen with natural gas in small quantities. Increasing the share of hydrogen would not only reduce CO2 emissions, but would also facilitate the development of different hydrogen production methods and thus reduce production costs. The upper safety limit for hydrogen blending with natural gas is set by the national specification of the natural gas supply, possible material quality restrictions and the tolerance of the most sensitive equipment in the network. For this reason, the maximum allowable hydrogen content in natural gas is generally limited to 2,5%.

However, among the embrittlement processes, hydrogen-induced damage is the most serious problem for both non-alloy and low-alloy steels. Atomic hydrogen diffuses in steel at high rates. The diffusion rate is orders of magnitude higher than that of other elements; this is due to the small atomic diameter of hydrogen.

To investigate the degradation of different carbon steels in a high-pressure hydrogen atmosphere, a hydrogenation furnace was designed and fabricated at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at BME. The hydrogenation furnace is the main part of a complex mechanical engineering system, for the operation of which the mechanical, heating, electrical supply, control and gas handling components are indispensable. The entire design process of the furnace was led by József Blücher, Professor Emeritus at BME, with the help of the engineers and technicians working on the project. Standard Charpy impact test specimens were machined from P355 NH grade material to test the embrittlement of carbon steels. The hydrogenation temperature was 150 °C, the internal overpressure in the chamber was 40 bar, the hydrogenation time was 200 hours and the atmosphere was hydrogen gas of purity 5.0. The impact test was carried out at -20, 0 and +20 °C.

Based on the results of the tests, it can be concluded that there was no significant degree of degradation both before hydrogenation and after prolonged exposure to hydrogen. It can be concluded that the tube material used as a sample is suitable for operation in a hydrogen medium. Based on the analysis of the burst areas and impact values of the impact test specimens, it was concluded that hydrogen did not cause any observable damage to the test material.

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