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Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
Barbara Kovács
Nikoletta Hegedűs
Mihály Bálint
Zsuzsa Szabó
Tamás Emri
Gréta Kiss
Miklós Antal
István Pócsi
, and
Éva Leiter

PAF, which is produced by the filamentous fungus Pencicillium chrysogenum, is a small antifungal protein, triggering ROS-mediated apoptotic cell death in Aspergillus nidulans. In this work, we provide information on the function of PAF in the host P. chrysogenum considering that carbon-starving cultures of the Δpaf mutant strain showed significantly reduced apoptosis rates in comparison to the wild-type (wt) strain. Moreover, the addition of PAF to the Δpaf strain resulted in a twofold increase in the apoptosis rate. PAF was also involved in the regulation of the autophagy machinery of this fungus, since several Saccharomyces cerevisiae autophagy-related ortholog genes, e.g. those of atg7, atg22 and tipA, were repressed in the deletion strain. This phenomenon was accompanied by the absence of autophagosomes in the Δpaf strain, even in old hyphae.

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Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation
Veronika Bocsi
Tímea Ceglédi
Zsófia Kocsis
Karolina Eszter Kovács
Klára Kovács
Anetta Müller
Katalin Pallay
Barbara Éva Szabó
Fruzsina Szigeti
, and
Dorina Anna Tóth

Higher educational dropout is a significant area of education policy in Hungary. First, the proportion of graduated higher educational students is low when compared to the OECD average, which may be caused by dropout from higher educational courses. On the other hand, although the phenomenon of dropout has been closely investigated in several international research papers, the methodology used to determine the dropout ratio is unsatisfactory, mainly due to the lack of expert consensus. As a consequence, we do not have precise data regarding the dropout ratios, which make investigations related to this area even more necessary. The aim of this study was to measure the possible reasons for delayed graduation and dropout, and it was carried out as a qualitative study based on existing theories. In our investigation, the role of the sociocultural background; the years prior to the time spent in higher education; and the motivation of the choice of institution, employment, sports, and social activities were measured through an analysis of seven individual interviews and one focus group conversation involving 10 participants based on a semi-structured interview methodology. The causes of delayed graduation and dropout, which are more difficult to observe, are an inappropriately chosen institution and/or course, employment while studying intensively in a higher education institution, competitive sport and friends with a negative attitude toward learning. Our analysis provides a stable basis for a wider questionnaire-based investigation on a representative sample and its main units have been developed according to the research blocks of the interview analysis.

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Szabolcs Mátyás
Tünde Varga
Péter Kovács
Márton Kónya
Klára Rajczy
Éva Babenko
Barbara Szabó
G. Steven Kaali
, and
Zoltán Szentirmay


A preimplantációs genetikai diagnózis alkalmazásával lehetőség van arra, hogy beültetésre csak egy adott genetikai rendellenességben nem érintett preembriók kerüljenek. A szerzők trophectoderma-biopszia és vitrifikáció kombinációját alkalmazták monogénes betegség vizsgálatára. A genetikai vizsgálat indikációja a feleség korábban diagnosztizált 1-es típusú neurofibromatosisa volt. Az in vitro fertilizáció és a preembriók tenyésztése szekvenciális tápoldatok alkalmazásával történt. Az ötödik napon hét blasztocisztából lehetett mintát venni, amelyeket ezután vitrifikáltak. A polimeráz láncreakcióval végzett genetikai vizsgálat eredménye alapján két blasztociszta rendelkezett normális genotípussal. A felengedett blasztociszták beültetését és zavartalan terhességet követően az asszony egészséges fiúgyermeknek adott életet. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(44), 1787–1792.

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