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A dolgozat első része áttekinti a globális klímaváltozással kapcsolatos gazdaság- és környezetpolitikai kérdéseket, előkészíti a harmadik részben bevezetendő új döntéselemzési módszert. A klímaváltozással kapcsolatos közgazdasági elemzések központi problémája a generációk közötti egyenlőség és a diszkontálás kérdése. Gondosan mérlegelve az alkalmazandó diszkontrátára vonatkozó pozitív és normatív érveket, illetve a különböző modellezési megoldásokat, a dolgozat arra a következtetésre jut, hogy a klasszikus költség-haszon elemzés módszere a klímaváltozással kapcsolatos politikák kialakítására csak korlátozott mértékben alkalmas. Új módszerekre van szükség, amelyek jobban megfelelnek a klímaváltozás mint döntéshozatali probléma sajátosságainak. Egy új döntéselemzési megközelítés az „elfogadható mezők” módszere, amely egy integrált gazdasági-klímamodellben ölt testet. A módszer különválasztja a klímaváltozással kapcsolatos normatív, értékfüggő érveket a tudományos elemzéstől. Az előbbiek a felhasználó által megadott döntések, és a modell inputjaként specifikálandók három területen: a klímaváltozás még elviselhető hatásaira, a klímaváltozás lassítására tett intézkedések még elfogadható társadalmi költségeire, illetve a tehermegosztás elveire vonatkozó döntések formájában. A modell ezek alapján meghatározza, hogy létezik-e olyan üvegházhatású gázkibocsátási mező a következő 100-200 évre vonatkozóan, amely kielégíti a felhasználó által specifikált feltételeket. Ha ilyen mező nem létezik, akkor vagy az elfogadható hatások mértékét, vagy a klímavédelemre fordítandó költségeket kell emelni. Amennyiben a kibocsátási mező létezik, akkor az magában foglalja a felhasználó által megadott kritériumokat kielégítő valamennyi jövőbeli kibocsátási pályát. Ezek közül további szempontok figyelembevételével (például nemzetközi tárgyalások során) lehet kiválasztani a legmegfelelőbb és követendő kibocsátási pályát. A dolgozat bemutatja az elfogadható mezők módszerének néhány alkalmazását is.

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The possible roles of perceptual characteristics (colour, shape, size) of tablets and personality characteristics in generating expectations of drug side effects were investigated. Two hundred and thirteen hospitalized patients (mean age 48.9 ± 18.84 years) completed questionnaires (trait anxiety — STAI-T, dispositional optimism — LOT-R, subjective somatic symptoms — PHQ-15, somatosensory amplification — SSAS, previous personal and family-level experiences) and the expected probabilities of nine side effects for six differently looking tablets were estimated. PHQ-15, SSAS and family-level experience scores were significant predictors of the expectations of side effects. Red tablets evoked significantly more stimulating type expectations than did white pills. Expected gastrointestinal side effects were associated with oblong-shaped tablets. Regarding headache, medium-sized round tablet was expected to evoke fewer side effects than the small round and the oblong tablets. Although expectations do not always manifest themselves as actual symptoms, they can reduce the overall effectiveness of a therapy by influencing patient's adherence.

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Magyar Sebészet
Ferenc Jakab
Sándor Farkas
, and
Jenő Tóth
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In this study, new microthermometric data of fluid inclusions distributed along planar assemblages crosscutting a metamorphic quartz lens from the Mecsekalja Zone metamorphic complex are presented. Three fluid generations are defined, none of which have previously been identified by earlier paleofluid evaluations of the study area. Petrographic description of the host quartz is provided to identify textures related to crystalloplastic deformation resulting from ductile deformation. The textural relationship of the studied assemblages to the dynamic recrystallization features is discussed. The possible affinities of the fluids introduced in this study to those identified in the region by previous authors are discussed. The affinities and timing of the fluid flow events are discussed based on the physicochemical properties of the fluids. One local carbonic (high XCO2) fluid is recognized. A high- and a moderate-salinity fluid generation are also revealed. The relationship of these fluid generations to those defined in earlier studies from the Mórágy Granite and the Baksa metamorphic complex contributes new knowledge to the recognition of the regional paleofluid evolution.

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Consumption of infected plant tissues by decomposing organisms is an important part of ecosystem services. We tested how the common woodlouse (Porcellionides pruinosus, Isopoda: Oniscidea) may contribute to the decomposition process in a laboratory experiment in which Mycosphaerella pyri-infected pear leaves with or without the aecia of Gymnosporangium sabinae were offered as food. We recorded the loss of healthy and infected leaf tissues. Isopod survival rate was also monitored. We found (1) a certain pattern of preference in the consumption of infected leaf material; and (2) that the presence of G. sabinae reduced leaf consumption but had no effect on the ingestion of Mycosphaerella-infected spots; and (3) the mortality of P. pruinosus was adversely influenced by G. sabinae, but the results were highly dependent on confinement conditions. Our results suggest that woodlice consume plant pathogenic fungi, and therefore offer the ecosystem service of neutralizing infective plant remnants during decomposition.

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Defoliation reduces photosynthetic area, negatively effecting overall plant vitality, which at the end, severely impacts seed quality and production. The economic importance of the loss in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) due to larvae of the cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus, CLB) generated studies investigating the significance of the flag leaf. Simultaneously, the role of other leaves remains rather undiscovered. We simulated herbivory caused by CLB larvae in a two-year study between 2017 and 2018. We removed different amounts of leaf material from two winter wheat cultivars, either from the flag leaves only, or from all leaves. The impact of artificial defoliation was measured in grain production per ear, and related to natural CLB larval herbivory. Removing all leaves simulated CLB larval herbivory more closely than the artificial defoliation of flag leaves only. Our results suggest that the relative importance of flag leaves in seed production may be lower than previously assumed. Further studies involving various cultivars are invited to enhance the knowledge on the significance of the damage done by CLB larvae.

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Potato mulching practices and their effects often differ, and the results are sometimes contradictory in the literature, as they vary depending on climatic conditions and growing practices. In this study, we analysed 68 peer-reviewed publications to reveal which problems of potato cultivation were intended to be solved by mulching with organic materials. We have found that the main goals of mulching are the preservation of soil moisture, the reduction of soil temperature, and the suppression of weeds, in which mulching provides effective help. In different parts of the world, different organic mulches increased the yield of potatoes in 78% of the studies. Although the occurrence and damage of pests, pathogens and weeds are extremely understudied (16, 18, 29% of the studies), we can conclude that organic mulches effectively reduced their damage.

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