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  • Author or Editor: K. Kofuji x
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In the usual measurements of radionuclides in the environmental samples by g-ray spectrometry, Compton scattering of 1461 keV g-rays from 40K severely interferes with the detection of artificial radionuclides in marine and agricultural products. In order to eliminate the interference of 40K, we have developed a simple and convenient water leaching treatment method applicable to seaweed (sargasso) samples. By this treatment, over 98% of the potassium in seaweed samples is removed without notable losses of artificial and/or natural radionuclides. In combination with the low-level g-ray counting in the Ogoya underground laboratory, the detection limit could be improved by ~1 order of magnitude.

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An analytical method has been developed for the determination of low-level99Tc in environmental samples by High Resolution ICP-MS. The method consists of leaching of99Tc by HNO3 and separation by three different solvent extractions with 30% TOA-xylene, MEK, and cyclohexanone. Finally, purification of99Tc was made by using an anion exchange resin column to reduce dissolved solids content. The final solution was adjusted to 1M HNO3 for introducing into the HR-ICP-MS. The accuracy and precision of the method was confirmed to be satisfactory by applying this technique to the determination of99Tc in IAEA marine algae sample (AG-B-1). Measurements of99Tc using 0.5–2.5 g of sediment samples from the Irish Sea, UK, were successfully performed by the present method.

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