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- Author or Editor: K. M. Matthews x
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Finland has the operational capability to take airborne gamma-ray measurements in emergency situations. The original purpose of airborne radiation mapping in Finland was to identify hazardous areas containing radioactive fall-out after a nuclear accident or use of nuclear weapons. Regular exercises are held annually to keep the operational functionality at a high level. The achieved capability has been well demonstrated in international INEX-2-FIN 1997 and Barents Rescue 2001 exercises. The knowledge and competence achieved can easily be applied in international radiation monitoring campaigns designed to expose undeclared nuclear materials or other clandestine nuclear activities. The essential improvements in the detection system are linked to the ability to locate point-like radiation sources rather than large areas of fall-out. This paper describes the aerial gamma-ray measurement method and its usability for the detection of nuclear material production chains and trails of fission or activation products. The ability of airborne detection systems in revealing the use of undeclared nuclear materials has been tested. Various scenarios for exposing clandestine nuclear material production, enrichment and nuclear waste trails have been considered. Based on detection capability calculations and testing in practice, it was found that the detection of one un-shielded significant quantity of natural uranium (10 tons of yellow cake in storage barrels) is possible through the daughter products, using one single 6"'4" NaI detector on the airplane. The developed fixed wing gamma measurement technique is now able to detect significant amounts of nuclear material conveniently and cost-effectively. Large areas can be screened to identify suspicious sub-areas for more detailed ground-based inspection.
The conditions under which the Poisson statistical density function adequately describes the counting of a radioactive isotope are examined and found that for counting processes where λt≳1, where λ is the decay constant and t the counting period, one of the fundamental properties, namely the condition of stationarity, is violated rendering application of Poisson statistics invalid. The Ruark-Devol statistical density function, a binomial, is instead shown to be satisfactory since it is capable of describing radioactive disintegration where the only fundamental property is independence and its use is recommended in both activation analysis and medical imaging when the half-life of the isotope of interest is short compared to the period of observation. It is pointed out that no satisfactory expression incorporating the distortion produced by dead-time on the statistical density function has yet been derived but the practical implications of the adoption of the Ruark-Devol function are discussed with respect to standard deviation and precision of the measurement. It is shown how the application of the Poisson statistical density function, under conditions of tλ≳1, is not only invalid but also overestimates the standard deviation significantly.
Novel dielectric behavior of a linear increase in ionic conductivity prior to melt temperature was observed for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), organic chemicals, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Though, there are solids like polyolefins and long chain organic compounds (tetracosane, pentacosane) which do not exhibit this premelt behavior (i.e., the temperature where the onset of increase in ionic conductivity to melt temperature). We have discovered novel electrical conductivity properties and other physical analytical variations which can lead to unique synthetic routes of certain chemical entities. The above-mentioned unique variations are not related to solid–solid transitions which are quite often observed in pharmaceutical crystalline solids. These new properties are related to amorphous crystalline behavior of a solid. We have also studied the effect of various experimental variables: such as amount of mass tested, applied frequency at a given electric field and heating rate, which results in varying the onset temperature of the increase in ionic conductivity. Melting of the solids was correlated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Activation energies for all the solids were measured in the premelt region using an Arrhenius plot at a specific frequency since we observed changes in the conductivity with frequency. This study focused on frequencies 0.1 to 10 Hz, since the conductivity at these frequencies related to surface analysis. This new physical properties are leading to new electro synthetic procedures to modify or prepare chemicals.