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Nemzeti kisebbségi hallgatók tanulmányi eredményessége
Academic Achievement of National Minority Students
A hazai és a nemzetközi szakirodalom egyaránt több szempontból elemzi a tanulmányi eredményességet. Az eredményességvizsgálatoknál figyelembe kell venni a mobilis hallgatókat. A külhoni diákok továbbtanulás céljából leggyakrabban az anyaországot választják. Népszerű lehetőségként kínálkozik számukra a Balassi Intézet egyetemi előkészítő képzése. Fő kérdésként vizsgálom meg, hogy az intézmény egykori kárpátaljai diákjai mennyire voltak eredményesek, megvalósultak-e életpálya-törekvéseik. Eredményeink szerint a Balassi Intézet egyetemi előkészítő képzése az esetek többségében betölti szerepét: sikeresen hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy a kárpátaljai magyar hallgatók felvételt nyerjenek a magyarországi felsőoktatási intézményekbe.
If the student status ends before the absolutorium (pre-degree), we can speak about dropout. In our paper, we are going to present the cases of termination of the student status and we would also like to make a comparison in three countries: Hungary, Ukraine, and Romania. The aim of our research is to demonstrate the various ways in which student status can be terminated. The dropout is an important and significant topic in higher education policy, because it causes institutional and individual loss, too.
A családi életre nevelés realitásai.
Családi miliőtípusok az iskolai szakemberek perspektívájából
Family Milieus from the Perspective of School Professionals
Az utóbbi évtizedekben a családi élet alapvető változásokon ment keresztül, ami hatással van a családi és felnőtt életre nevelés alapvető mintázataira is. Az interjús kutatás során olyan települési és iskolai környezetekben dolgozók (N = 53) tapasztalatait tártuk fel az ország három leghátrányosabb helyzetű megyéjében, ahol a legmagasabb az alacsony státusú tanulók aránya. A tanulmány egyik fontos megállapítása, hogy a családokban megvalósuló spontán családi életre nevelésben társadalmi-területi szempontból nagy eltérések jellemzők, ezért a felnőtt élet több területére való felkészítés kihívást jelentő iskolai feladat, mely a pedagógusok és az iskolai segítő szakemberek speciális felkészülését és többletmunkáját igényli.
Higher educational dropout is a major education policy issue that can be influenced by several factors. In addition to the family background, it is necessary to mention the motivation for further education as an individual factor which has a complex effect. Another possible individual cause can be the attractiveness of the labor market. Due to the ratio of students dropping out of higher education in Hungary, it can be suspected that students’ intensive work contributes to weaker learning outcomes, resulting dropout finally. In this context, however, the decisive role of the different work values and working attitudes is also unquestionable. Other institutional factors such as the country of the institution or the type of financing of the training cannot be ignored as well. Accordingly, in our research, we investigated individual, institutional, and sociodemographic factors affecting persistence through the TESCEE 2015 (N = 2015) database. Factors influencing persistence were measured by linear regression analysis with the application of two-sample t-test to measure the between-group differences. Regarding socio-demographic factors, the father’s educational level showed a significant impact on a negative while the mother’s employment in a positive way, furthermore, gender presented a trend effect. Institutional factors by themselves are not remarkable; however, some individual factor can increase their impact. At the individual level, the significant effect of career office membership and work values could be detected. Our results can contribute to the recognition of the relationships behind the high ratio of dropout and the identification of factors that can promote persistence, which can support to reduce the dropout ratio at a national and international level.
Higher educational dropout is a significant area of education policy in Hungary. First, the proportion of graduated higher educational students is low when compared to the OECD average, which may be caused by dropout from higher educational courses. On the other hand, although the phenomenon of dropout has been closely investigated in several international research papers, the methodology used to determine the dropout ratio is unsatisfactory, mainly due to the lack of expert consensus. As a consequence, we do not have precise data regarding the dropout ratios, which make investigations related to this area even more necessary. The aim of this study was to measure the possible reasons for delayed graduation and dropout, and it was carried out as a qualitative study based on existing theories. In our investigation, the role of the sociocultural background; the years prior to the time spent in higher education; and the motivation of the choice of institution, employment, sports, and social activities were measured through an analysis of seven individual interviews and one focus group conversation involving 10 participants based on a semi-structured interview methodology. The causes of delayed graduation and dropout, which are more difficult to observe, are an inappropriately chosen institution and/or course, employment while studying intensively in a higher education institution, competitive sport and friends with a negative attitude toward learning. Our analysis provides a stable basis for a wider questionnaire-based investigation on a representative sample and its main units have been developed according to the research blocks of the interview analysis.