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The concentrations of Th in samples of crystalline rock from three drillcore sections were analysed independently by instrumental neutron activation analysis and by chemical separation and alpha spectroscopy. The two methods show good general agreement over an approximate concentration range of 1 to 100 ppm Th. Variations in results between the two methods are not of a systematic nature and probably arise from sample heterogeneity. The results confirm the reliability of both methods and provide a useful comparison of the standards and reference materials used. The study indicates that, in cases where Th isotopic information is not required, the simpler and more rapid neutron activation analysis provides a satisfactory method.

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In this study we establish an efficient method for the regeneration for Boechera holboellii via somatic embryogenesis. Immature cotyledons from siliques of 4–6 month-old plants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with plant growth regulators (BA — 6-benzylaminopurine; NAA — α-naphthaleneacetic acid; TDZ — 1-phelyl-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl) urea: 2,4 D-2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid). A high frequency of embryogenic callus was produced after two weeks in culture. The somatic embryos were obtained with a frequency of 10% of explants on MS medium supplemented with 1.34 μM NAA + 8.87 μM BA and 2.68 μM NAA + 17.74 μM BA within 3 weeks in culture. The alternative regime of MS medium supplemented with 1.34 μM NAA + 4.44 μM BA produced somatic embryos at a frequency of 38%.

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Thermogravimetric analysis of silica gel has shown that the loss in weight between 30° and 910°C can be quantitatively explained on the basis of water being lost from three distinct and different populations of sites on the silica gel surface. The results indicate that the site energies of the three different populations are randomly distributed and, consequently, the resulting weight loss steps from each population can be described by the integral of a simple normal distribution with temperature. The calculated weight loss obtained by assuming three different site-groups having randomly distributed adsorption energies is, within experimental error, coincident with the experimental data. It is also shown that the water evolved from the second population of sites originates from strongly bound water and may also contain water generated by the condensation of (geminal) silanol groups contained in the overlapping and neighbouring population.

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Uranium and thorium were measured by absolute neutron activation analysis in high-purity materials used to manufacture semiconductor memories. The main thrust of the study concerned aluminium and aluminum alloys used as sources for thin film preparation, evaporated metal films, and samples from the Czochralski silicon crystal process. Average levels of U and Th were found for the source alloys to be ≈65 and ≈45 ppb, respectively. Levels of U and Th in silicon samples fell in the range of a few parts per trillion. Evaporated metal films containted about 1 ppb U and Th, but there is some question about these results due to the possibility of contamination.

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Foundation species and invasive species strongly influence community diversity and structure, but typically in different ways. However, when widespread invasive species provide novel habitat within a community, their net effect may depend on both the environment and community composition. Fouling communities in northern and southern California harbors were surveyed to determine whether there was variation between two locations in the percent cover of an invasive bryozoan, Watersipora subtorquata (d'Orbigny, 1852), and its relationship to community diversity and composition in these two environments. Diversity significantly differed between locations and had a location-dependent association with W. subtorquata abundance. Communities were significantly dissimilar between locations, and W. subtorquata abundance had the highest percent contribution to community dissimilarity when compared to other species in the community. These results suggest that invasive species may have both facilitative and inhibitive relationships with species in a community, but that the net balance of these interactions depends on both the environmental and community context.

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Samples from sediment cores, collected from a site close to the Sellafield outfall and dated using conventional - and -spectrometry, have been analysed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (TIMS). This has provided information on the isotopic composition of plutonium in the liquid discharges from Sellafield; such information is not available using conventional -spectrometry alone. There was very good agreement between the240Pu/239Pu ratios obtained by the two MS methods. More recent discharges have been characterised by a progressive decrease in the relative proportion of239Pu.

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Evolution, Mind and Behaviour
Glenn Geher
Scott Barry Kaufman
Justin R. Garcia
James C. Kaufman
, and
Blair Bryant Dawson

Mating Intelligence (MI) is a hypothesized constellation of mental adaptations that generate adaptive strategies in human mating (Geher & Miller, 2008). Although past research has theoretically explored and empirically evaluated the construct, using a MI scale that was borne of the ideas from Geher and Miller’s work, this study seeks further understanding of this construct by demonstrating incremental validity. Two studies, each with large samples, demonstrate that MI predicts important outcomes beyond traditional conceptions of personality and intelligence. Exploratory factor analyses revealed that the factor structure suggested in previous work was generally congruent with predictions. Further, MI accounted for a significant portion of variance in mating success after controlling for age, the five-factor model of personality and general intelligence.

Open access


Results are repoerted for238U,234U,232Th, and230Th determinations in 19 rock samples from a uranium mine, performed independently, byb three different laboratories. Uranium and thorium isotopoic activities were determkined by alpha spectrometry, after different pre-concentration and counting sample preparation techniques., Additionally, total concentrations of uranium were determined by fluorimetry and gamma spectreometry. the folloing conclusions could be drawn from this intercomparison test: (1) The results for238U specific activity agreed with the amjority of results within 10%. Lincar correlation coefficients between the three data sets were 0.999. However, for a few samples of much higher uranium concentrations, large deviations were observed, indicating problems of, sample heterogencity. (2) For the234U/238U activity ratio data, a still closer agreement was obtained (5%), as computation of the activity ratios did not, require information on the yield of the used tracer spike (232U). (3) The results for232Th specific activities and230Th/234U activity ratios showed larger deviastions between the three laboratories (typically up to 15%, in some cases still ore). Different Th-isotopes (228Th,234Th and229Th) have been used as yield tracers. The data indicates, however, that the observed deviations are not simply a consequence of a systematic difference in the calibration of the different spikes, but, probably cased by other errors such as incomplete sample dissolution, sample heterogencity, tec. The limitations of alpha spectrometry will be discussed and an application of the developed methods shown.

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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
G. Cook
E. Scott
A. MacKenzie
F. Naysmith
K. Isogai
P. Kershaw
R. Anderson
, and
P. Naysmith


Prior to 1984, the reported marine 14C discharges from Sellafield were estimates: 0.2 TBq per annum from 1952 to 1969 and 1 TBq per annum until 1984 when measurements commenced. The relationship between the net excess 14C activity in annually collected Nori (Porphyra umbilicalis) seaweed samples and the annual discharges (estimated and measured) implies that the discharges were not as constant as the estimates. Based on the relationship between post-1984 measured discharges and the excess 14C in the seaweed, two simple empirical models were used to re-calculate the discharges between 1967 and 1984. Gamma-spectrometry measurements on the seaweed also indicate that Porphyra is a sensitive indicator of changes in discharge of other radionuclides, brought about by the introduction of new waste clean-up technologies within Sellafield.

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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
L. Tandon
E. Hastings
J. Banar
J. Barnes
D. Beddingfield
D. Decker
J. Dyke
D. Farr
J. FitzPatrick
D. Gallimore
S. Garner
R. Gritzo
T. Hahn
G. Havrilla
B. Johnson
K. Kuhn
S. LaMont
D. Langner
C. Lewis
V. Majidi
P. Martinez
R. McCabe
S. Mecklenburg
D. Mercer
S. Meyers
V. Montoya
B. Patterson
R. Pereyra
D. Porterfield
J. Poths
D. Rademacher
C. Ruggiero
D. Schwartz
M. Scott
K. Spencer
R. Steiner
R. Villarreal
H. Volz
L. Walker
A. Wong
, and
C. Worley


The goal of nuclear forensics is to establish an unambiguous link between illicitly trafficked nuclear material and its origin. The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Nuclear Materials Signatures Program has implemented a graded “conduct of operations” type analysis flow path approach for determining the key nuclear, chemical, and physical signatures needed to identify the manufacturing process, intended use, and origin of interdicted nuclear material. This analysis flow path includes both destructive and non-destructive characterization techniques and has been exercized against different nuclear materials from LANL’s special nuclear materials archive. Results obtained from the case study will be presented to highlight analytical techniques that offer the critical attribution information.

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